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Author Topic: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?  (Read 22794 times)

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2020, 04:41:51 AM »
The Secret Service had no control at the autopsy. They only had one guy at the autopsy (Kellerman), and by all accounts he did nothing but watch. The Secret Service did courier the autopsy evidence/forensic evidence from Bethesda to the White House, but they had no influence on the autopsy, and most of the missing materials went missing after the Secret Service handed them over.

You need to watch “JFK – The Smoking Gun” In it Donahue explains the fatal shot and the confusion at the Bethesda autopsy. It is totally controlled by the Secret Service. Please, watch it. There are inaccuracies, ie; they come out with Oswald being the shooter but the witnesses are real, it explains how the WC ignored evidence to have it all lean towards a lone gunman.

showed particulate spray being blown in two directions.

Hello, there is a picture of particulate spray in two directions!! Woo, and there is the particulate spray in the skull from two directions!! Holy crap that is two frangible bullets hitting him in the head at the same time, front and back at the same time. I was thinking about that previously but this sounds like proof.

We'll have to agree to disagree about the Hickey angle. I think it's a dead end. I don't think Powers and O'Donnell would have lied about not hearing Hickey fire his rifle. I also think the patrolmen near Hickey's car would have reacted to the sound of his rifle being fire. AR-15s are very loud. More important, the Hickey shot is only possible with the cowlick entry point on the head, but that entry point has been soundly debunked.

Again Powers was half way to the presidential limo and O’Donnell was looking to his right when the shot went off. If you compare an AR15 going off compared to a 6.5 mm going off they are way different, AR15 is much quieter. So it would be easy to mistake a 6.5 mm from some distance and an AR15 going off near you. I have heard both. Compared to something like a 6.5 or an M14 a M16 is not loud. I have fired both and I would estimate that the M16 has about a third of the sound level of an M14. Sure glad I didn’t have to carry an M16 in Nam, M14’s were way more reliable.

I find the HSCA's acoustical evidence determinative, which is one reason I believe one or two shots came from the front.

I am seeing your point that two shot’s came from the front, frangible round to the head but what the hell hit his throat? Two Grassy Knoll shooters?? Guy in the sewer?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #56 on: August 31, 2020, 04:41:51 AM »

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #57 on: August 31, 2020, 01:14:51 PM »
The Secret Service had no control at the autopsy. They only had one guy at the autopsy (Kellerman), and by all accounts he did nothing but watch. The Secret Service did courier the autopsy evidence/forensic evidence from Bethesda to the White House, but they had no influence on the autopsy, and most of the missing materials went missing after the Secret Service handed them over.

You need to watch “JFK – The Smoking Gun” In it Donahue explains the fatal shot and the confusion at the Bethesda autopsy. It is totally controlled by the Secret Service. Please, watch it. There are inaccuracies, ie; they come out with Oswald being the shooter but the witnesses are real, it explains how the WC ignored evidence to have it all lean towards a lone gunman.

First, I need to correct my statement about the number of Secret Service agents at the autopsy: the Secret Service had two guys at the autopsy, not one: Kellerman and Greer.

I've watched JFK: The Smoking Gun. Part of the problem appears to be that McLaren is unfamiliar with all the disclosures from the ARRB-released documents and interviews. Kellerman and Greer could not even get into the morgue until 8:00 PM (nor could Sibert and O'Neill), nearly 90 minutes after the body arrived at the morgue. Bethesda was (and is) a military hospital, and there were armed military guards all over the place, and they were under the command of military officers, not the FBI or the Secret Service.

I should mention that before the autopsy began, Kellerman was one of the ones who was managing the shell game with the caskets, but we know from the released Air Force One tapes that senior military officers were also involved with the arrangements for the autopsy and for trying to separate Jackie from the ceremonial casket so they could divert it to Walter Reed before the "official" autopsy at Bethesda. (Jackie threw a major monkey wrench into this plan when she insisted on going with the ceremonial casket to Bethesda. They tried to talk her into going to the White House after Air Force One landed at Andrews, but she insisted on going with the casket to Bethesda.)

So senior Secret Service guys were working hand-in-glove with senior military officers to arrange for illicit surgery on the body at Bethesda before the official autopsy began at 8:00 PM. But once the autopsy began, senior military officers were in control. Afterward, senior military officers forced all the military personnel who were involved with the autopsy in any way to sign secrecy agreements that threatened court martial for violations.

« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 01:22:22 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

Offline Paul May

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2020, 03:55:48 PM »
First, I need to correct my statement about the number of Secret Service agents at the autopsy: the Secret Service had two guys at the autopsy, not one: Kellerman and Greer.

I've watched JFK: The Smoking Gun. Part of the problem appears to be that McLaren is unfamiliar with all the disclosures from the ARRB-released documents and interviews. Kellerman and Greer could not even get into the morgue until 8:00 PM (nor could Sibert and O'Neill), nearly 90 minutes after the body arrived at the morgue. Bethesda was (and is) a military hospital, and there were armed military guards all over the place, and they were under the command of military officers, not the FBI or the Secret Service.

I should mention that before the autopsy began, Kellerman was one of the ones who was managing the shell game with the caskets, but we know from the released Air Force One tapes that senior military officers were also involved with the arrangements for the autopsy and for trying to separate Jackie from the ceremonial casket so they could divert it to Walter Reed before the "official" autopsy at Bethesda. (Jackie threw a major monkey wrench into this plan when she insisted on going with the ceremonial casket to Bethesda. They tried to talk her into going to the White House after Air Force One landed at Andrews, but she insisted on going with the casket to Bethesda.)

So senior Secret Service guys were working hand-in-glove with senior military officers to arrange for illicit surgery on the body at Bethesda before the official autopsy began at 8:00 PM. But once the autopsy began, senior military officers were in control. Afterward, senior military officers forced all the military personnel who were involved with the autopsy in any way to sign secrecy agreements that threatened court martial for violations.

Hilarious stuff. A good sci-fi read.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #58 on: August 31, 2020, 03:55:48 PM »

Offline Larry Chambliss

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #59 on: August 31, 2020, 04:03:34 PM »
But a lot of those underlings did die or were killed.

Offline Michael T. Griffith

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2020, 05:08:53 PM »
Hilarious stuff. A good sci-fi read.

Excuse me, but you act like a troll. You do nothing but make these silly, snide remarks. You never offer any research or links to back up anything you say, at least as far as I have seen in your replies to me.

Now, in point of fact, the former chief analyst of military records at the ARRB, Doug Horne, has documented every statement that I made and that you dismissed. I would refer you to his 5-volume work Inside the ARRB. If you prefer video to print, here's a five-part video presentation by Horne in which he discusses a large chunk of this evidence:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Before working for the ARRB, Horne earned a degree in history from Ohio State University, served for 10 years as an officer in the U.S. Navy, and worked for the Navy as a civilian in the Navy's anti-submarine warfare program. When the ARRB ended, Horne worked for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and then the U.S. State Department before retiring a few years ago. The ARRB thought enough of him to promote him from being a senior analyst of military records to being the chief analyst of military records. So he's not some yahoo amateur with no education or background.

If you want laughable sci-fi, go read the Warren Commission's report or review the single-bullet theory or the lone-gunman head-shot theory (either version).

« Last Edit: August 31, 2020, 05:34:31 PM by Michael T. Griffith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #60 on: August 31, 2020, 05:08:53 PM »

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #61 on: August 31, 2020, 05:22:34 PM »
And your version is what? Are you going to contribute or just make snide remarks?

Offline Michael Carney

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #62 on: August 31, 2020, 05:26:57 PM »
“I've watched JFK: The Smoking Gun. Part of the problem appears to be that McLaren is unfamiliar with all the disclosures from the ARRB-released documents and interviews. Kellerman and Greer could not even get into the morgue until 8:00 PM (nor could Sibert and O'Neill), nearly 90 minutes after the body arrived at the morgue. Bethesda was (and is) a military hospital, and there were armed military guards all over the place, and they were under the command of military officers, not the FBI or the Secret Service.”

I wasn’t talking about actions at the morgue; I am only talking about actions during the autopsy. It sure appears that Kellerman was influencing what was going on during the autopsy in Bethesda. Then Kellerman collected all the film that was shot in the autopsy room along with x-rays that they, the Secret Service, were supposed make copies of and to turn over to the FBI but never did, ultimately they destroyed all the evidence.

A curious note, JFK is laying on his back in the autopsy room and the doctors are working on the right side of his head.

After the autopsy, probably the next day, Dr Ebersol returns from a meeting at the White House with the Secret Service with bullet fragments and instructs Jerrol Custer to tape them to the bones (skull bones) he was asked to manufacture an x-ray that would obscure detections of an explosive frangible bullet by placing fragments of FMJ bullets on JFK’s remains.

The first thing Dr Ebersol said to Custer when he returned from the White House was “I want these bone fragments x-rayed with these metal fragments taped”
Custer and others had to sign a non disclosure agreement and Custer was told that if he mentions anything about anything, it would be the sorriest day of his life and he would spend the rest of his life behind prison walls. It’s not clear who said this, military personnel or the Secret Service but it is apparent at this time they are working together to cover up the truth. I’m sure the military had their agenda and the Secret Service had theirs. Why would the Secret Service do this? Why would they create this huge cover up if they weren’t somehow involved in JFK’s demise?

Another observation; I have a large pile of evidence that Hickey did it but I have seen no evidence that the CIA had anything to do with it, not that I have been looking for it.

Offline Paul May

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Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2020, 06:34:07 PM »
Excuse me, but you act like a troll. You do nothing but make these silly, snide remarks. You never offer any research or links to back up anything you say, at least as far as I have seen in your replies to me.

Now, in point of fact, the former chief analyst of military records at the ARRB, Doug Horne, has documented every statement that I made and that you dismissed. I would refer you to his 5-volume work Inside the ARRB. If you prefer video to print, here's a five-part video presentation by Horne in which he discusses a large chunk of this evidence:

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
Part 5:

Before working for the ARRB, Horne earned a degree in history from Ohio State University, served for 10 years as an officer in the U.S. Navy, and worked for the Navy as a civilian in the Navy's anti-submarine warfare program. When the ARRB ended, Horne worked for the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum and then the U.S. State Department before retiring a few years ago. The ARRB thought enough of him to promote him from being a senior analyst of military records to being the chief analyst of military records. So he's not some yahoo amateur with no education or background.

If you want laughable sci-fi, go read the Warren Commission's report or review the single-bullet theory or the lone-gunman head-shot theory (either version).

Absolutely correct. Your recycled crap is not worth commenting on. When you use Doug Horne as a reference it’s even more amusing. You, Horne and any other conspiracy nuts have little to no ability to interpret evidence without bias. You spend the days recycling garbage long ago discarded by main stream researchers. And to cap it off, you support the Dean of conspiracy lunatics, Donald Trump. You’re a hoot!

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Did the CIA assassinate JFK?
« Reply #63 on: August 31, 2020, 06:34:07 PM »