The Secret Service had no control at the autopsy. They only had one guy at the autopsy (Kellerman), and by all accounts he did nothing but watch. The Secret Service did courier the autopsy evidence/forensic evidence from Bethesda to the White House, but they had no influence on the autopsy, and most of the missing materials went missing after the Secret Service handed them over.
You need to watch “JFK – The Smoking Gun” In it Donahue explains the fatal shot and the confusion at the Bethesda autopsy. It is totally controlled by the Secret Service. Please, watch it. There are inaccuracies, ie; they come out with Oswald being the shooter but the witnesses are real, it explains how the WC ignored evidence to have it all lean towards a lone gunman.
showed particulate spray being blown in two directions.
Hello, there is a picture of particulate spray in two directions!! Woo, and there is the particulate spray in the skull from two directions!! Holy crap that is two frangible bullets hitting him in the head at the same time, front and back at the same time. I was thinking about that previously but this sounds like proof.
We'll have to agree to disagree about the Hickey angle. I think it's a dead end. I don't think Powers and O'Donnell would have lied about not hearing Hickey fire his rifle. I also think the patrolmen near Hickey's car would have reacted to the sound of his rifle being fire. AR-15s are very loud. More important, the Hickey shot is only possible with the cowlick entry point on the head, but that entry point has been soundly debunked.
Again Powers was half way to the presidential limo and O’Donnell was looking to his right when the shot went off. If you compare an AR15 going off compared to a 6.5 mm going off they are way different, AR15 is much quieter. So it would be easy to mistake a 6.5 mm from some distance and an AR15 going off near you. I have heard both. Compared to something like a 6.5 or an M14 a M16 is not loud. I have fired both and I would estimate that the M16 has about a third of the sound level of an M14. Sure glad I didn’t have to carry an M16 in Nam, M14’s were way more reliable.
I find the HSCA's acoustical evidence determinative, which is one reason I believe one or two shots came from the front.
I am seeing your point that two shot’s came from the front, frangible round to the head but what the hell hit his throat? Two Grassy Knoll shooters?? Guy in the sewer?