Given the probability that GHW Bush supplied those ships for the BOP invasion (named Barbara 1, Barbara 2, etc,, and given a photo of that remarkable my fits image of GHWB in Dealey Plaza Nov 22/63 and GWHB having no recall of where he was on Nov 22/63
And giiven his rapid rise to Director is CIA by 75 and the subsequent coincidental death of George De Motenschield by shotgun in mouth after writing lettter to GHWB enquiring what to say at the HSCA
And given then becoming VP to Reagan (who disliked Bush) and then GHWB covertly arranging Iran Contra
And then GHWB elected POTUS and completely goes globalist (anti Reagan) and announces the “New World Order” and unleashes 30 year war and mayhem
Um,... HELL YES, it’s very plausible that CIA had at the very least knowledge a plot was underway if not outright orchestrated with likes of a James Angelton counter intelligence CIA director in the mix