Yes, the LNer shills are always the 1st to crawl out of the woodwork to ridicule your OP. If the JFK assassination was a coup d'etat, then of course the CIA was an integral part. They were coup experts. Only the LNers don't think this was a conspiracy and they resort to ad homs because CT=kook. But that's just how your hard core commie shill operates.

Here it is in a nutshell for you LNers:
This was an ordinary coup d'etat. Do you actually believe the US was incapable of a coup in 63? There were only 3 major players required to pull it off: Dulles, Hoover and Johnson. Nixon called them "animals" and they all had motives to at least comply with a coup.
Allen Dulles was director of the CIA and an American Nazi at the time. He was the architect of the coup because JFK threw him under the bus over the BOPs fiasco. Simple as that. What was he going to do, go quietly into the night? But what actually sealed JFK's fate was threatening to dismantle the CIA. That brought James Angleton into the fray, who was BFF with Dulles and happened to have salacious photo leverage over Hoover at the time. Hoover was the original mob boss then who hated the Kennedys, especially Bobby who was hell bent on attacking the mob and knew of Hoover's mob connections. Hoover didn't need much persuasion to go along with the coup. These were desperate times for these leaders. Which brings us to Johnson as the last piece of the puzzle. He had every reason to go along because he was faced with the choice of going to jail for his various criminal connections or be complicit in a coup and become POTUS. You do the math.
Oswald was a singleton agent drawn from the fake defector program to be the patsy. Thomas Arthur Vallee was Plan A in Chicago, Oswald was Plan B in Dallas. The fake defector program was ran by..surprise, surprise, James Jesus Angleton who was director of CIA counter-intel at the time.
All the other players in the coup were selected underlings, such as SS limo driver Greer, Dr. Humes, Capt. Fritz and a few more DPD. Hoover did the most work to make the coup happen. He used the FBI, SS, DPD and the mob as the "cleaners" to drive the narrative that there was a single LN shooter. The CIA set up Oswald as the patsy and organized the hit.
In response to your OP, yes the CIA was involved in assassinating JFK. The architect of the coup, Dulles, coincidentally became a member of the WC who determined that LHO acted alone. Imagine that. He's pictured here 2nd from the right. Who do you think was running that show?

The big question is why LNers defend the conspirators in favor of the improbable idea that Oswald was a lone nut assassin in a perfect storm?