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Author Topic: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?  (Read 72606 times)

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2018, 11:02:57 PM »
Mr. EISENBERG - I now hand you a bullet fragment, what appears to be a bullet fragment, in a pill box which is labeled jacket and Lead Q-2,[was admitted as CE-567] and it has certain initials on it. For the record, this was found--this bullet fragment was found--in the front portion of the car in which the President was riding. I ask you whether you are familiar with this object.
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes; I am.
Mr. EISENBERG - Is your mark on--
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this? Is this a bullet fragment, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir. This consists of a piece of the jacket portion of a bullet from the nose area and a piece of the lead core from under the jacket.
Mr. EISENBERG - How were you able to conclude it is part of the nose area?
Mr. FRAZIER - Because of the rifling marks which extend part way up the side, and then have the characteristic leading edge impressions and no longer continue along the bullet, and by the fact that the bullet has a rounded contour to it which has not been mutilated.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine this bullet to determine whether it had been fired from Exhibit 139 to the exclusion of all other weapons?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - What was your conclusion?
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment was fired in this rifle, 139.
Mr. EISENBERG - Now finally in the category of bullets and bullet fragments, I hand you what is apparently a bullet fragment, which is in a pill box marked Q-3, and which, I state for the record, was also found in the front portion of the President's car, and I ask you whether you are familiar with this item, marked Q-3?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; this was submitted to me as having been found beside the front seat of the automobile.
Mr. EISENBERG - Your mark is on that fragment?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, it is.
Mr. EISENBERG - When did you receive that fragment, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - At 11:50 p.m., November 22, 1963, from Special Agent Orrin Bartlett, our liaison agent with the Secret Service, in the FBI laboratory.
Mr. EISENBERG - And the last bullet fragment you examined, Exhibit 567, when did you receive that?
Mr. FRAZIER - It was received at the same time from Special Agent Bartlett.
Mr. EISENBERG - Did you examine both at that time, Mr. Frazier?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir; beginning the following morning, November 23.
Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Chairman, may I have this bullet fragment marked Q-3 admitted as Commission 569?
Mr. McCLOY - It may be admitted.
Mr. EISENBERG - Mr. Frazier, did you examine this bullet fragment with a view to determining whether it had been fired from the rifle, Exhibit 139?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.
Mr. EISENBERG - What was your conclusion?
Mr. FRAZIER - This bullet fragment, Exhibit 569, was fired from this particular rifle, 139.
Mr. EISENBERG - Again to the exclusion of all other rifles?
Mr. FRAZIER - Yes, sir.

Well, that's all I needed to know about Frazier. What forensic test did he use to determine the "fragments" came from the MC? Ballistic lines on the fragments? HA! Show me the analysis. Ironically, I agree with Frazier that those bullet fragments were likely shot from the MC into a swimming pool or whatever so they could be retrieved and mysteriously turn up as evidence, which Frazier can positively link to the alleged murder weapon. Right. Frazier was clearly a co-conspirator, a fool, or both.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 11:06:55 PM by Jack Trojan »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2018, 11:02:57 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2018, 12:19:15 AM »
Well, that's all I needed to know about Frazier. What forensic test did he use to determine the "fragments" came from the MC? Ballistic lines on the fragments? HA! Show me the analysis. Ironically, I agree with Frazier that those bullet fragments were likely shot from the MC into a swimming pool or whatever so they could be retrieved and mysteriously turn up as evidence, which Frazier can positively link to the alleged murder weapon. Right. Frazier was clearly a co-conspirator, a fool, or both.

None other than J. Edgar Hoover himself denounced the evidentiary value of bullet fragments.... In a conversation with LBJ, JEH said that they had very little to link the patsy to the crime ....He told LBJ that they had found bullet fragments in the Lincoln  but they were useless for identifying the rifle from which they had been fired.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2018, 02:09:26 PM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2018, 01:23:04 AM »
No ! Kennedy Assassination : Legendary Marine Corps sniper Carlos Hathcock is likewise skeptical of Oswald's alleged shooting feat. Hathcock is a former senior instructor at the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instruction School of Quantico , Virginia. He has been described as the most famous American Military sniper in History as of 7-29-07 ( the day of this posting in In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills. He conducted police Swat team sniper schools across the country. Craig Roberts asked Hathcock about the marksmanship feat attributed to Oswald by the Warren Commission. Hathcock answered that he did not believe Oswald could have done what the Commission said he did.   Added Hathcock : " Let me tell you what we did at Quantico. We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did". (Kill Zone, pp. 89-90). Gunny Hathcock has gone on his last patrol (passed on). God keep you Gunny

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2018, 01:23:04 AM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #27 on: April 08, 2018, 02:21:43 AM »
No ! Kennedy Assassination : Legendary Marine Corps sniper Carlos Hathcock is likewise skeptical of Oswald's alleged shooting feat. Hathcock is a former senior instructor at the U.S. Marine Corps Sniper Instruction School of Quantico , Virginia. He has been described as the most famous American Military sniper in History as of 7-29-07 ( the day of this posting in In Vietnam he was credited with 93 confirmed kills. He conducted police Swat team sniper schools across the country. Craig Roberts asked Hathcock about the marksmanship feat attributed to Oswald by the Warren Commission. Hathcock answered that he did not believe Oswald could have done what the Commission said he did.   Added Hathcock : " Let me tell you what we did at Quantico. We reconstructed the whole thing: the angle, the range, the moving target, the time limit, the obstacles, everything. I don't know how many times we tried it, but we couldn't duplicate what the Warren Commission said Oswald did". (Kill Zone, pp. 89-90). Gunny Hathcock has gone on his last patrol (passed on). God keep you Gunny

The guy who wrote "Kill zone" is a prevaricator.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2018, 09:16:47 PM »
Fragments, not fragment. And Frazier does explain how he came to the conclusion that the fragments came from Oswald's rifle.

"Oswald's rifle".  LOL.

But how does any of this tell you that the fragments allegedly found in the limo were from the head shot?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #28 on: April 10, 2018, 09:16:47 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #29 on: April 10, 2018, 09:18:49 PM »
Well, that's all I needed to know about Frazier. What forensic test did he use to determine the "fragments" came from the MC? Ballistic lines on the fragments? HA! Show me the analysis.

He lined the marks up in his mind even though they did not actually physically line up in the microscope.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2018, 09:19:35 PM »
The guy who wrote "Kill zone" is a prevaricator.

...and the way that Tim knows this is because he doesn't like what the author said.

Offline James Dahl

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2018, 12:51:40 AM »
I believe the fragments were identified as being from a particular bullet from very flawed material analysis using antimony content as a basis of comparison to conclude this or that fragment was from this or that bullet.  I don't believe any of the expanding bullet fragments would still be in the vehicle for instance, they would have exited the vicinity of the car along with most of Kennedy's brain

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #31 on: April 12, 2018, 12:51:40 AM »