:DWho told you she 'voluntarily co-operated'? Robert Oswald testified that the Feds told her to co-operate or she would be deported---Why not read the evidence instead of inventing it? DO YOU SEE?
:DLike I said above... just point the rifle [at a leaf] and say bang.... kind of like when you were a kid playing cowboys and indians

That's your evidence that Marina was coerced to testify before the WC? LOL. She didn't like a particular FBI agent who had been harsh with Oswald! Keep in mind this interaction you cited also took place before there was a WC. In reality, Marina voluntarily participated in the WC proceedings, was afforded an attorney to protect her rights, and subject to no coercion. Ironically, to the extent that she might ever have been deemed to be dishonest it was in an effort to protect Oswald not to implicate him in the assassination.
The CHAIRMAN. Now, Mr. Thorne and Mrs. Oswald, I want to say to you that
we want to see that Mrs. Oswald's rights are protected in every manner and
you are entitled to converse with her at any time that you desire. You are entitled to give her any advice that you want, either openly or in private; if feel that her rights are not being protected you are entitled to object to the Commission and have a ruling upon it, and at the conclusion of her testimony if you have any questions that you would like to ask her in verification of what she has said you may feel free to ask them.After her testimony has been completed, a copy will be furnished to you so that if there are any errors, corrections or omissions you may call it to our attention, is that satisfactory to you?
Very satisfactory, Mr. Chairman.