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Author Topic: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?  (Read 72634 times)

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #248 on: February 28, 2021, 06:17:12 PM »
You have repeatedly demonstrated having no relevant knowledge concerning firearms. Maybe only post on the subjects you have knowledge concerning.

Oh... so you're you're an expert,, are you Jack?

Can you explain why it is necessary to live fire the rifle every time you practice with the rifle?

You profess to be an expert, Jack    So maybe you can enlighten us with your answer to the question....

Clearly you believe that a person is "practicing to become proficient with a rifle" if that person is merely going through the motions of firing a rifle.....

Any 10 year old here knows more about firearms than you do.

So maybe you can enlighten us with your answer to the question...

No thanks, I will leave just as happily ignorant as I found you. You should not be posting about firearms if you have no answer to that question. Time to stop pretending, people here who have some knowledge of firearms know you do not.

Oh... so you're you're an expert,, are you Jack?

Does knowledge of the value of dry firing all that it takes for you to consider an individual an expert in firearms? Shows how little you truly know about any of it. If that is the case any 10 year old here that has been involved in firearms training is an expert and knows more than you do. I have seen a number of them grow up over the years and you would not ever want to be caught in their sights.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #248 on: February 28, 2021, 06:17:12 PM »

Offline Jack Nessan

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #249 on: February 28, 2021, 06:25:20 PM »
Three empty cartridge cases were allegedly found by the so called snipers window. What does that prove? You tell me.Duh...Oswald was dead. He did not need protection --she did.Go watch some youtube gun posts and if you see a video where someone is 'dry-firing' or pointing a gun and yelling BANG... link it and put it up for us.Do you have any guns? If so what kind.. and do you dry-fire them or live fire them? Both? Neither?

No answers to the questions just whatever this is?

Question #1

Can you prove there was a third shot?  LHO never fired three shots in 5 seconds. He is being credited with doing something he never accomplished.

Three empty cartridge cases were allegedly found by the so called snipers window. What does that prove? You tell me.
That is not an answer to this question.  "Can you prove there was a third shot? "

Question #2

"Can you explain why it is necessary to live fire the rifle every time you practice with the rifle? It seems to be a deciding factor to you in whether someone is practicing or not."

This is not an answer to the question, in fact it is just a ridiculous answer. "Go watch some youtube gun posts and if you see a video where someone is 'dry-firing' or pointing a gun and yelling BANG... link it and put it up for us."

LHO did not perform the feat of three shots in 5+ seconds that he has been credited with performing. Two shots is all there is evidence of having taken place.

LHO did not have to live fire the rifle to be proficient with the firearm. The firearms experts were asked if they would like to practice dryfiring the Carcano before performing the shooting sequence and refused for concern over the firing pin. Obviously the WC considered a useful method of practicing.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #250 on: February 28, 2021, 07:00:22 PM »
Oops, I meant the not-curtain-rod 38"bag

Thanks for yet another useful contribution.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #250 on: February 28, 2021, 07:00:22 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #251 on: February 28, 2021, 07:08:42 PM »
What specultion.. are you claiming Oswald didn't shoot Kennedy?

Are you claiming that he did, speculation-boy?

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #252 on: February 28, 2021, 08:54:59 PM »
Any 10 year old here knows more about firearms than you do.

So maybe you can enlighten us with your answer to the question...

No thanks, I will leave just as happily ignorant as I found you. You should not be posting about firearms if you have no answer to that question. Time to stop pretending, people here who have some knowledge of firearms know you do not.

Oh... so you're you're an expert,, are you Jack?

Does knowledge of the value of dry firing all that it takes for you to consider an individual an expert in firearms? Shows how little you truly know about any of it. If that is the case any 10 year old here that has been involved in firearms training is an expert and knows more than you do. I have seen a number of them grow up over the years and you would not ever want to be caught in their sights.

So maybe you can enlighten us with your answer to the question...

No thanks, I will leave just as happily ignorant as I found you. You should not be posting about firearms if you have no answer to that question. Time to stop pretending, people here who have some knowledge of firearms know you do not.

Aw c'mon Jack...Don't be modest....  I'm sure their are readers who will be dazzled by your answer.   

But perhaps you're practicing the old axiom....When you can't dazzle em with your brilliance ...just baffle em with Bullspombleprofglidnoctobuns

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #252 on: February 28, 2021, 08:54:59 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #253 on: February 28, 2021, 09:30:17 PM »
Okay: That three empty cartridge cases were allegedly found by the so called snipers window.

I'll assume that you have used the word "allegedly" because there is good reason to doubt that there were THREE shells there when Mooney first discovered the shells....  And yes, I know that it is widely accepted that there were THREE shells there, but there is also evidence that indicates there were only TWO spent shells....And all of the documents that originated in the TSBD that afternoon state that there were TWO spent shells found.

A quote from Garrison's On the Trail....

An extremely large Oak tree made it unlikely that the first round fired would have hit anything more than a limb or a handful of leaves.   
     Moreover, Oswald had been seen in the lunchroom down on the second floor of the TSBD less than two minutes after the shooting. He not only appeared composed and relaxed , but was drinking a Coke which he had bought from the vending machine. For him to have finished his historic shooting feat ( causing eight wounds in two men in less than six seconds) then hidden the rifle beneath the piles of boxes which officer Weitzman described ***  and then run down four flights of stairs, then stopped for a Coke at the vending machine ---all in less tan two minutes, without losing his breath ---would have had Oswald moving at near the speed of light.   , 

*** piles of boxes which officer Weitzman described ***  and Tom Alyea's film clip confirms....

The conspirators realized that the feat  attributed to Lee Oswald was impossible.....Unless they could re-enact the feat and show that Oswald had simply dashed by the site where the carcano was found, and hastily dump the rifle as he passed by....

And that's exactly what they attempted to do....  Unfortunately for them, ( and fortunately for us) Tom Alyea's camera captured the scene of the rifle lying on it's left side on the floor.    The preceding scene from Alyea's film shows DPD detective Studebaker perched atop boxes of books just after he finished taking the in situ photo of the carcano.    Since the next scene on Alyea's film shows the rifle lying on it's left side with the leather sling up as Detective Day reaches out to pick up the rifle we can be absolutely certain that the in situ photo that detective Studebaker had taken showed the rifle lying on it's left side.

What's the point you ask.....   The official DPD in Situ Photo depicts an entirely different scene..... The official government approved in situ phot shows the rifle in a location that is closer to the stairs and the rifle is NOT lying on it's side.   And Furthermore....Tom Alyea said that it was obvious that the hiding place had been prepared BEFORE the shooting.

Alyea didn't realize that he was 100% correct on that point...But he didn't realize that the rifle had been placed in that hiding place at the time the hiding place was constructed.   And that's where the carcano was at the time of the murder of president Kennedy.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 12:43:13 AM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #254 on: March 01, 2021, 07:02:40 AM »
Information has it that the gun bag was 38"
Information Imagination has it that the [imaginary] gun bag was 38" 
             There fixed for you. No charge.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #255 on: March 01, 2021, 07:06:37 AM »
A quote from Garrison's On the Trail....
An extremely large Oak tree made it unlikely that the first round fired would have hit anything more than a limb or a handful of leaves.
Of course. Remember that Oswald's favorite target was supposedly...yup-- leaves  :D

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Can anybody provide proof of a successful reenactment of Oswald's feat?
« Reply #255 on: March 01, 2021, 07:06:37 AM »