The sniper nest on the 6th floor of the book depository had three spent shell casings and three bullets were fired from the Carcano rifle.
Unless this was a conspiracy and the MC and hulls were planted. Otherwise, how come there were no prints on the MC and ammo? Oswald dissembled/reassembled it, didn't he?
Witnesses state that just after Kennedy's limousine turned onto Elm Street there was a shot, but it missed the car and struck the pavement instead. Various theories as to why the shot (that would have been the best possible shot opportunity) missed the car have been proposed. One is that tracking Kennedy with the sniper scope, the shooter fired but the shot had become obstructed by the traffic signal, which deflected the bullet angle slightly and left a hole in the traffic signal.
The 1st shot was supposedly later than "just after turning onto Elm". But what is odd is that the turn onto Elm segment of the Z-film was cut out, and not by Zapruder. WTF??? Isn't this the point where Oswald would have surely taken his 1st shot? The limo apparently curbed-out as it navigated that ridiculous turn onto Elm. How could Oswald have missed that shot, then wait another 8 seconds to take the next Magic Bullet shot? And who would/could do all that shooting while looking thru a misaligned scope?
The second shot, moments later, struck Kennedy in the neck, travelled through to Connally, and ended up lodged in his thigh where it remains in his body today.
No, the Magic Bullet fell out of Connally's thigh and inexplicably ended up on the wrong gurney in immaculate, swimming pool condition. Supposedly there were fragments from the bullet that ended up in Connally's body, especially his wrist, which could have been used to settle all this. But he took his secrets to the grave with him. No hard feelings towards the conspirators, I guess, otherwise, why wouldn't Connally have wanted to put all the conspiracy theories to rest once and for all!
The third shot also missed and struck the car, where it got stuck and was later recovered with slight compression deformations, and placed for unknown reasons on the stretcher in Parkland hospital.
There was definitely a shot thru the windshield. Funny how the SS "cleaned" the limo of any/all crucial evidence then had it restored to pre-coup condition.
All three shots from the Carcano Rifle have been therefore accounted for, and none of them are the shot that killed Kennedy.
Agreed, because the MC wasn't even fired. There might have been some token shots from the Mauser if any shots actually came from the TSBD. They probably were hoping a sharpshooter with the Mauser could pull it off before the "Turkey-shoot Point" because they sure as hell weren't going to use a Carcano with a wonky scope to assassinate the POTUS.
There was a fourth shot, either before or after the third Carcano bullet was fired. This bullet was different, it was an expanding bullet, not a full metal jacketed bullet like the Carcano, as it left a conical expanding wound and blew out Kennedy's skull. This shot also came from a different firing angle. Several theories have been proposed as to the origin of this bullet.
Yes. The head shot that blew out the side of JFK's head was from a frangible bullet, likely from the knoll. I think that Greer slowed the limo down to the prime turkey shoot position and several bullets may have hit their marks from various directions. If you time it just right, then it sounds like 1 shot. It seems like an awful lot of damage was done by a single full metal jacketed bullet.
The first "Mortal Error" theory, posited by Howard Donahue, is that in the confusion of the shooting, the Secret Service car accidentally shot Kennedy with a hollow point bullet from an AR-15 rifle.
Pls. The SS stink to high heaven, but they would not be relied upon to assassinate the POTUS. They were in cahoots with the FBI and Greer slowed the limo down at the Turkey-shoot Point so everyone could have a go. Umbrella man signaled it, after all.

The laser ballistic analysis in 1998 posited a different theory that the fourth shot could have come from the 2nd floor of the Dal-Tex building.
We need to establish a precise timeline of the shots so we can study the geometry to calc trajectory angles, etc.
Elsie Dorman thought shots came from the Court Records Building on Houston St.
Comparison of the wound to Kennedy, the head shot came from a lower angle than the 6th floor of the Book Depository (which is why Donahue concluded it was accidental from the secret service car) and from a slightly different angle, again indicating the secret service car, but due to the position of the secret service in the follow car, any shot from the follow car would have damaged the secret service car, especially as the guy with the AR-15 was seated at the time.
Since the MB didn't kill JFK, the "turkey-shoot" shot was needed. Who knows where all the shots came from if they all came at once? This also moves the head around in odd ways as your head is blown off.
The lower and more southerly angle could indicate either the Dal-Tex 2nd floor, or Elsie Dorman's recollection of the Court Records building, perhaps one of the lower floors.
We must map out an accurate CGI model of the scene. Then position the motorcade anywhere on the route and measure the angles of various trajectories and debate whether they make sense relative to the LN narrative.