There is no missing x-ray.
." (7 HSCA 115)
The next nail on the box demonstrating forgery or tampering
with the autopsy photographs and X-rays is Dr. Humes' clear
statements about having taken chest photographs, which are
missing from the National Archives: "That's one photograph that
we were distressed not to find when we first went through and
catalogued these photographs, (in 1966-7) because I distinctly
recall going to great lengths to try and get the interior upper
portion of the right thorax illuminated--you know the technical
difficulties with that, getting the camera positioned and so
forth, and what happened to that film, I don't know. There were
a couple of films that apparently had been exposed to light or
whatever and then not developed, but we never saw that
photograph." (7 HSCA 253) This is more evidence of Robert
Bouck's "burn party."