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Author Topic: Autopsy proves SBT impossible  (Read 81540 times)

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #136 on: May 06, 2018, 02:38:24 PM »
Here is the Attorney General, in a taped phone call, telling LBJ they don't have the photo of JFK's right lung.
The one Humes testified was taken.

Date: 1-21-67 12:00 Noon

Time: 7 mins 25 secs at the end of a 8 mins 31 secs conversation

Phone Conversation between Acting Attorney General Ramsey Clark and President Lyndon Johnson
Re: Autopsy Photos


"That is, there may be a photo missing. Dr. Humes, Commander and Naval doctor, testified before the Warren Commission that this one photo made of the highest portion of the right lung."


"It could be contended that that photo could show the course and direction the bullet that entered the lower part of the neck and exited the front part."


"We are left with one specific problem. Dr. Humes did testify before the Warren Commission there was such a photo [that] we don't have."


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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #136 on: May 06, 2018, 02:38:24 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #137 on: May 06, 2018, 03:26:58 PM »
Here is the Attorney General, in a taped phone call, telling LBJ they don't have the photo of JFK's right lung.
The one Humes testified was taken.

Date: 1-21-67 12:00 Noon

Time: 7 mins 25 secs at the end of a 8 mins 31 secs conversation

 If the back shot did enter the upper lung , and not just the superficial of a couple of inches that Humes implies, then there is the problem of where is the bullet Stating the obvious I know, but the LN will come hunting that all this is all the riddle that falls at the feet of the CT

Phone Conversation between Acting Attorney General Ramsey Clark and President Lyndon Johnson
Re: Autopsy Photos


"That is, there may be a photo missing. Dr. Humes, Commander and Naval doctor, testified before the Warren Commission that this one photo made of the highest portion of the right lung."


"It could be contended that that photo could show the course and direction the bullet that entered the lower part of the neck and exited the front part."


"We are left with one specific problem. Dr. Humes did testify before the Warren Commission there was such a photo [that] we don't have."


Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #138 on: May 06, 2018, 03:29:03 PM »
The newbie is not only arrogant but misinformed. Do your research on what the autopsy witnesses said. There was considerable confusion about how the back wound did not exit the president. Again, tired of explaining this, but unless you can manufacture another wound on the rear of the president's body that DID exit on the front, the imbecilic SBT is COMPLETELY OBLITERATED. Never mind all the other evidence that shows the theory is total nonsense. The official autopsy report is such a pack of lies, it should be featured in every forensic textbook as an example of how NOT to conduct an autopsy.
You state:
"If one accepts that JFK's back wound was an entry wound and that no bullet was found in the body, it stands to reason that the bullet transversed his body and could have gone on to strike JBC." No, remember, Humes probed the wound and could feel the end of it with his finger. THE BULLET DID NOT TRAVERSE THE BODY. How could this bullet have been a threat to JBC? Come on SBT folks, let's hear more nonsense explanations of this!
What is more imbecilic? 1. to conclude that the probing of the wound path done by Humes was not determinative of the actual path, or 2. to conclude that a finger-sized bullet just stopped after penetrating a few inches of flesh and striking no bone and then disappeared?

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #138 on: May 06, 2018, 03:29:03 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #139 on: May 06, 2018, 03:39:39 PM »
What is more imbecilic? 1. to conclude that the probing of the wound path done by Humes was not determinative of the actual path, or 2. to conclude that a finger-sized bullet just stopped after penetrating a few inches of flesh and striking no bone and then disappeared?

1-Humes told not to probe the path

2- The bullet you claimed disappeared appeared at either Parkland or with Dr Young

 Haven't we been through this before?

Offline Howard Gee

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #140 on: May 06, 2018, 04:13:03 PM »
What is more imbecilic? 1. to conclude that the probing of the wound path done by Humes was not determinative of the actual path, or 2. to conclude that a finger-sized bullet just stopped after penetrating a few inches of flesh and striking no bone and then disappeared?

I'll go with option 2.

Not to mention that those who insist that JFK's throat wound was an entrance wound are suggesting TWO disappearing bullets.

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #140 on: May 06, 2018, 04:13:03 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #141 on: May 06, 2018, 11:59:35 PM »
What is more imbecilic? 1. to conclude that the probing of the wound path done by Humes was not determinative of the actual path, or 2. to conclude that a finger-sized bullet just stopped after penetrating a few inches of flesh and striking no bone and then disappeared?

 Could you elaborate on number one? You believe what Humes said or have you determined something else?

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #142 on: May 07, 2018, 02:42:35 AM »
Semantics Xray of the upper chest correct? Supposedly there is one but I cannot find it

(8.) Anterior-posterior view of the right shoulder and right chest on 14 x 17" film bearing the X-ray number 21296.

(9) Anterior-posterior film of the chest on 14 x 17" film bearing the X-ray number 21296.

(10) Anterior-posterior view of the left shoulder and left chest on 14 x 17" film bearing the X-ray number 21296.

(11) Anterior-posterior view of the abdomen and lower chest on 14 x 17" film bearing the X-ray number 21296.

Online Andrew Mason

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #143 on: May 07, 2018, 02:25:51 PM »
Could you elaborate on number one? You believe what Humes said or have you determined something else?
I believe what Humes' said: ie. in his testimony and his autopsy report.  In his testimony to the WC (2H361) he said:

Commander HUMES. .... Attempts to probe in the vicinity of this wound were unsuccessful without fear of making a false passage.
Mr. SPECTER. What do you mean by that, Doctor?
Commander HUMES. Well, the defect in the fascia was quite similar, which
is the first firm tissue over the muscle beneath the skin, was quite similar to
this. We were unable, however, to take probes and have them satisfactorily
fall through any definite path at this point.

In his autopsy report (CE387, 16H983) he said:

The other missile entered the right superior posterior thorax above the scapula and traversed the soft tissues of the supra-scapular and the supra-clavicular portions of the base of the right, side of the neck. This missile produced contusions of the right apical parietal pleura and of the apical portion of the right upper lobe of the lung. The missile contused the strap muscles of the right side of the neck, damaged the trachea and made its exit through the
anterior surface of the neck. As far as can be ascertained this missile struck no bony structures in its path through the body.

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Re: Autopsy proves SBT impossible
« Reply #143 on: May 07, 2018, 02:25:51 PM »