James Young was a Navy doctor in 63
?Letter From James Young to Gerald Ford (Excerpted)
Dear President Ford,
I was active-duty Navy and assigned to the White House as White House Physician in 1963, when President Kennedy was assassinated?
Knowing that you were on the Warren Commission at that time, I am writing to you confidentially, to see if you have any knowledge about an issue which has puzzled me for years?
My particular problem is a description of what occurred at the autopsy. During the autopsy examination, Dr. Jim Humes, then the Chief of Pathology at Bethesda Naval Hospital, and two other pathologists stated that some pieces of President Kennedy?s skull bones were missing. In order to reconstruct the President?s head for burial, Dr. Humes wanted to find those pieces which were missing. Dr. Burkley and I requested two of our corpsmen who were assigned to our White House medical unit, to go to the Executive Office Building where the Secret Service had placed the ?Queen Mary,? the open convertible in which President Kennedy had been shot, for bone fragments.
Two of the corpsmen left and returned sometime later with three varying sized pieces of President Kennedy?s skull bones. In addition, they brought back in an envelope a spent misshapen bullet which they had found on the back floor of the ?Queen Mary? where they had found the pieces of skull bones. The bullet and pieces of skull were given to Dr. Jim Humes.
Red Herring noticed.
Autopsy proves SBT impossible ??
Not even close.
If one accepts that JFK's back wound was an entry wound and that no bullet was found in the body, it stands to reason that the bullet transversed his body and could have gone on to strike JBC.
So, no, the autopsy doesn't prove the SBT impossible.
That's absolutely correct.
I guess it's possible that somehow the bullet that entered JFK's back fell out and was never recovered, but that leaves the CTs another conundrum.
If the bullet that struck JFK in the back did not pass through his body and the throat wound is indeed an entrance wound, then where did the bullet that caused the throat wound go ?
This would be a good argument, if you didn't answer it right before: It fell out and was never recovered.

Never mind all the other evidence that shows the theory is total nonsense.
But as this "evidence" doesn't exist ...
No, remember, Humes probed the wound and could feel the end of it with his finger. THE BULLET DID NOT TRAVERSE THE BODY. How could this bullet have been a threat to JBC? Come on SBT folks, let's hear more nonsense explanations of this!
Do you understand the concept of "rigor mortis"?
Semantics Xray of the upper chest correct? Supposedly there is one but I cannot find it
I found it for you, it is picture No. 12: