Nice.. the interview conducted with Oswald mentioned in the report was done by Gus Rose, who told us so in his WC testimony.
So, where is the first hand report by Gus Rose?
And secondly, Rose told the WC that he had just arrived at work when Oswald was brought in. He claims Oswald told him his name was Hidell. Remarkably, Clemments does not mention that in his report at all!
Rose also claimed he asked Oswald for his name prior to checking the billfold
he had been given. He could not say who gave him the billfold or whether it was the patrolman who brought Oswald in or not.
Now remember I said;
True, but there also are no reports from any official or law enforcement officers at the time about the Hidell ID allegedly found in the wallet that Paul Bentley took from Oswald in the car.
So, which wallet was Rose given and which wallet is Clemments talking about? The one taken from Oswald by Bentley (who never said a word about finding or seeing the Hidell ID) or the one found at the Tippit scene that Barett said contained ID's for Oswald and Hidell?