As per By Dale K. Myers
The wallet seen in the WFAA-TV news film is similar in style to Oswald's arrest wallet, however, they are clearly not identical- period . It's not even close. In particular, the newsfilm wallet has a leather flap that is square, while Oswald's arrest wallet flap is rounded. In addition, the news film wallet is obviously thinner and more worn than Oswald's arrest wallet. Kenneth H. Croy told me in 2009 that the wallet turned over to him at the Tippit shooting scene had 7 or so identification cards in it and that none were in the name of Oswald . ( Then who's wallet was it ?) Why then did Croy think the wallet was Oswald's
Croys belief that the wallet was Oswald's was based on an assumption that Tippit's killer dropped the wallet, and that since Oswald was later arrested for Tippit's murder, the wallet must have been his . Croy told me that he had no first hand knowledge that the wallet contained anything that connected it to suspect Oswald. In the end , only one thing is certain-- the wallet filmed at the scene by WFAA_TV cameraman Ron Reiland is " NOT " the wallet taken from from Oswalds pocket after his arrest. FBI agent Robert Barrett did not know how police got the wallet or where it was found. His recollection was that Captain Westbrook was holding a wallet while at the scene and asked him (Barrett), who had learned Oswalds wallet contained two names-- Oswald and Hidell. Was this what Barrett was recalling ? Barrett says no.
FBI agent Barrett was known by fellow agents as being one who put meticulous details in his reports. Barretts contemporary report of his activities on November 22,1963 , fails to mention the wallet , as does his 1975 testimony to the Senate intelligence Committee during which he recounted his activities that day. Both Barrett and Croy's recollections are based on 30 to 40 year old memories . None of their contemporary reports or testimony mention the recovery of Oswald's wallet --- a highly curious oversight given the significance both men now attach to the discovery.
So the wallet at Tippits murder site contained 7 or so identification cards in it but since none of the ID.s had the name of Oswald on them then that wallet was treated like there was no way that it could belong to Tippit's killer so it was just treated as a wallet that was found at the scene of Tippit's MURDER . Who's Wallet was found at Tippit's MURDER scene 

? It sure wasn't Oswald's
Both Barrett and Croy's recollections are based on 30 to 40 year old memories .That may be, but why does Myers, on the one hand, accept Croy's recollection that there were 7 ID cards in the wallet with allegedly none in Oswald's name and, on the other hand, dismiss Barrett's recollection that Westbrook asked him about Oswald and Hidell?
It's seems Myers is cherry-picking!
None of their contemporary reports or testimony mention the recovery of Oswald's wallet --- a highly curious oversight given the significance both men now attach to the discovery. As far as I know, Croy never filed any report about anything and Barrett never actually found or handled the wallet. He was just asked a question about two names. Since when do questions being asked have to be mentioned in reports? Gus Rose, who did talk to Oswald and handled a wallet containing the Hidell ID never mentioned it in his report about his activities that day.
The wallet seen in the WFAA-TV news film is similar in style to Oswald's arrest walletThat may well be, but how do we know the wallet now in the National Archives is actually "Oswald's arrest wallet"? And, comparing wallets doesn't tell us anything about their content.
Barrett claims Westbrook asked him about Oswald and Hidell, which - if true - indicated those ID's were in the wallet. Paul Bentley, who allegedly took Oswald's wallet from him in the car, said on television the next day that he believed it contained a drivers license and a credit card. He does not mention the Hidell ID at all. In fact, none of the officers in the car, said anything about the Hidell alias in their reports, which is (to quote Myers) "a highly curious oversight".
Myers opinion is just that.... an opinion, and it seems a highly speculative one at that.