Why do you refer to it as Oswald's wallet? There is no evidence to support that conclusion. They are looking at something that appears to be a wallet or maybe Tippit's citation book. But who it belongs too is not apparent from the picture. To suggest that it is a confirmed "fact" that it belongs to Oswald is nonsense. You believe the conspirators planned to leave Oswald's wallet at the Tippit murder scene and in fact did leave it but then out of the blue suddenly decided for some unknown reason that it would be suspicious for his wallet to be found there? Why didn't they reach that conclusion before leaving it? And they needed a reason other than assassinating a president to have him taken into custody? And they somehow knew he would encounter and murder Tippit? Honestly, that is ridiculous.
If there had been a wallet with Lee Oswald's ID in it at the Tippit Mirder scene the authorities would have broadcast that information from the rooftops..... The wallet at the murder scene tale didn't surface until decades later.
There definitely was at least one reporter on the scene at the time and it
APPEARS? he was interested enough to film the scene and yet he never reported that Lee Oswald's wallet had been found at the scene.....WHY???
Because there was no wallet found at the site of Tippit's murder. The video that
SEEMS? to show that is a fake....The wallet in the cop's hand was cut from a video that was taken behind Ballew's Texaco Station.