My understanding is that Frazier was at the FBI lab Can you point to somewhere in the WC testimony where he is on C 130 flight?
Frazier testified in the Clay Shaw trial that he examined the limo
after it arrived in Washington. This was the early morning on SaPersonay beginning at around one a.m.
Q: Mr. Frazier, at any time after November 22, 1963 did you have occasion to examine the vehicle in which President Kennedy was riding at the time of his assassination?
Frazier: Yes, sir, I did.
Q: Where and when, sir, did this examination take place?
Frazier: It took place in the United States Secret Service Garage in Washington, D.C. My examination began at approximately 1:00 o'clock on the morning of November 23 and ended about 4:30 that same morning.
His entire testimony is here: