Not quite - The WC had asked the FBI to do a thorough check on his "background" after he gave his WC testimony.
The WC became "concerned" because he saw an unarmed "elderly Negro" in the SE window ("SN" window) of the 6th floor from 12.15 pm - 12.25 pm. Because he didn't disclose this observation to his wife, they didn't believe him. Rowland (who found out where the shots had been fired from the day after) had mentioned the Negro gentleman to the FBI officers on the SaPersonay, but according to Rowland they were "not interested". They were interested in whether he could ID the gunman - he could not. He was interviewed SEVEN times by the FBI.
The WC DID believe his observation of a white male gunman at the SW end of the 6th floor at 12.15 pm because he had disclosed this information to his wife.
However, 10 minutes or so post shots, he mentioned observing TWO people on the 6th floor - one an armed white male to Officer Craig.
Several other witnesses had also seen TWO people on the 6th floor.
The presence of an additional person on the 6th floor could possibly mean an accomplice or co-conspirator. This didn't bode well for a "LN scenario".
Since Arnold mentioned an "elderly Negro" they (FBI) took him to his word and the FBI looked at Piper and West, neither of which had a red/green shirt that day or were on the 6th floor.
Problem was - Arnold was at some distance from the TSBD and he could not have possibly accurately
"guessed" the age of the Negro gentleman.
What the WC did know and didn't disclose to Rowland was that there was a tall, thin, short haired Negro gentleman who wore a green Khaki shirt and was on the 6th floor after 12 noon and admitted to leaving the floor when he heard both Norman and Jarman arrive onto the 5th floor (12.25 pm onward). He was Bonnie Ray Williams (BRW).
Instead of doing the obvious and challenging BRW with the observation of Rowland or showing a photo of BRW to Rowland - the WC set out to use the FBI to discredit him instead.
Mr David Belin also used Arnold's wife to "character assassinate" him as well.
The only person assassinating Rowland's character was Rowland. Apparently you feel it is appropriate to choose the parts of his statement that are truthful and ignore the obvious descrepancies. He contradicts himself in his own statement and claims everyone that records his statement from the FBI to the Dallas Sheriff Dept didn't record it properly.
Your original post concerned Rowland seeing a man with a ?30-odd six? rifle. There is no such thing as a ?30 odd six?, Arnold made that up. Secondly, you cannot tell the caliber of a rifle from 100 feet away, Arnold fabricated that too. The only way to know is read what it says on the barrel, everything else would be a guess. Additionally JFK was killed with 6.5mm caliber bullets not a ?30 odd six.? This is just one of many parts of his statement that are easily seen to be fabricated. A few of the fabrications were volunteered by Rowland without anyone even asking him a question.
Rowland was caught fabricating numerous parts of his statement, incredibly he could not even give the same answer twice to the question did he look back at the window after he heard the shot. Giving different answers to the same question is the cornerstone of his statement.
Arnold Rowland could not answer a simple question. The yes, maybe, no answer to: "did you look at the building after the shot?" question.
Representative FORD - You never again, after the motorcade once came into your view, looked back at the School Depository Building?
Mr. ROWLAND - I did after the shots were fired.
Mr. SPECTER - Did you have any impression or reaction as to the point of origin when you heard the first noise?
Mr. ROWLAND - Well, I began looking, I didn't look at the building mainly, and as practically any of' the police officers that were there then will tell you, the echo effect was such that it sounded like it came from the railroad yards. That is where I looked, that is where all the policemen, everyone, converged on the railroads.
Mr. SPECTER - After the shots occurred, did you ever look back at the Texas School Book Depository Building?
Mr. ROWLAND - No; I did not. In fact, I went over toward the scene of the railroad yards myself.
The answer to Ford?s question about returning to Dealey Plaza explains Arnold?s ever changing story.
The CHAIRMAN - Anything further, Congressman Ford?
Representative FORD - Mr. Rowland, have you ever had occasion to go back to the scene and reconstruct it? Have you ever gone back--
The CHAIRMAN - Supposing we take a few minutes recess.
Mr. ROWLAND - The answer to that question is yes; I do all the time. I pass that area very frequently.
Rowland reconstructed the assassination in his mind until he finally convinces himself there was another person.
Rowland fabricated numerous parts of his testimony, an additional person in the SN was just one of them.