Inconsistences and anomalies inherent in the WC sequence for Oswald movements in TSBD between 11:45 and the presumed exit at 12:34pm:
1. Oswald not taking elevator down with Charles Givens, even though Oswald had just requested elevator be sent back up just 5 minutes earlier at 11:45?
2. Oswald choosing to use 6 flights of 18 step staircases to arrive to the same destination Givens is using elevator to get to: the 1st floor. at 12:00
3. Oswald having just descended 6 flights stairs, just to tell Eddie Piper "Im going back up"? Or did he say "im going out?
4. Oswald not seen between 12:01 and 12:14 anywhere. Where was Oswald at this time?
5. Oswald seen by Carolyn Arnold at 12:15 in the 2nd floor lunchroom, while at approx the same time, Arnold Rowland is observing a man holding rifle with large scope, in the fully open SW 6th floor TSBD corner window.
This is one of biggest conflicts in the entire sequence and is not resolved, because Carolyn Arnold was not asked some specific question, such as : Did you notice the clock on the wall in the 2nd floor lunchroom. And it is uncertain if the clocks in 2nd floor lunchroom and 2nd floor offices, were in sync with the TSBD roof clock.
Nevertheless, we are left with a peculiarity at the least: Either Oswald was spotted by Carolyn Arnold 1st, in 2nd floor lunchroom, and then 2 min later, seen at the SW 6th floor corner window by Rowland. Or vis versa, Rowland spots Oswald 1st, on 6th floor, and then 2 min later, Carolyn Arnold sees Oswald in the lunchroom.
If Carolyn Arnold spotted Oswald 1st, what is Oswald doing in the 2nd floor lunchroom at 12:15, if he has no idea exactly when the JFK limo will arrive?
If Arnold Rowland spotted Oswald 1st, then Oswald then leaves the 6th floor, leaves his rifle somewhere on the 6th floor, and then goes all way back down to 2nd floor lunchroom. Why do that, when it would have been much easier to hide on the 7th floor stairwell, so as to know exactly when and if, Bonnie Ray Williams leaves the 6th floor?
6. Oswald not seen between 12:17 to 12:31:30 except for one witness with dubious claim after having stated earlier could not ID the shooter, Howard Brennan.
7. 90 sec posts shots, Baker and Truly see Oswald in the 2nd floor lunchroom. Oswald appears calm not out breath, nor perspiring, even though presumable just having run 180 ft on 6th floor, down 4 flights of 18 step staircase and traversing 80 ft of floor landings.
Now is the 2nd major conflict: How did Oswald manage to get past Dorothy Garner near the 4th floor staircase, she having just followed about 20sec behind Adams and Styles leaving 4th flloor office within approx 10 sec post shots? It a reasonable certain probability that A&S reached the 1st floor by 60 sec post shots, otherwise, would have been seen by Baker and Truly crossing 1st floor to rear elevators by 70 sec post shots.
The only possible resolution would be that Dorothy Garner waited at least 55 sec post shots before having exited the 4th floor office. This however, would be a major conflict with her statement of having followed Adams and Styles "almost immediately" and "right behind them" and also apparently "heard them" on the staircase.
8. 2 min post shots: Oswald seen entering rear door of 2nd floor office by Mrs Robert A. Reid, BY HERSELF ALONE! No one else saw Oswald exit the front door of the 2nd floor office, or walk down the hallway, or come down either front staircase to front lobby or use rear staircase to 1st floor. Oswald was only wearing a T-shirt, did not have his brown shirt nor jacket, even though 20 secs eariler, was seen by Baker with at least a brown shirt on.
This the 3rd biggest conflict, and is almost incredible if it is even possible, given that Mrs Reid was NOT THE ONLY ONE, who returned into TSBD before 2min post shots, yet NO ONE saw Oswald except Mrs Reid?

How could Oswald have gone down either back staircase or down front staircase, and not be seen on 1st floor by anyone. How,if it takes Oswald 3 min 30 sec to even reach front lobby, having had to return to lunchroom to get his brown shirt and jacket, that Oswald is not seen, yet able to get thru guarded doors?