There are whole lot of witness who returned into TSBD before DPD officer Barnett had front door entrance guarded by 3min post shots, and possibly as early as 2 min 30 sec post shots.
Some of those are office women, like Martha Reed, Sarah Staunton, Gloria Cavalry. They dont have WC testimony concerning verification of Mrs Jeraldine Reids supposed sighting of Oswald entering 2nd floor office at 2 min post shots.
Only Geneva Hine, and she has a story that makes it impossible for a post Baker/Truly encounter with Mrs Reid and Oswald, with just Mrs Reid and Oswald alone at 2 min posts shots.
There is a possible scenario time line that works with both Hine and Reid if there is meeting with Mrs Reid and Oswald at before 60 sec post shots, but i have not pinpointed Reid in Couch film yet, to verify yea no nay on the possiblility. If shes there in Couch flim, when Baker is seen running, then she could not have met Oswald before Baker/Truly do. But is if Reid is not in Couch film then there exists some possibility, given her WC testimony:
r. BELIN. Now, did you look around after the shots and notice what people were doing?
Mrs. REID. Well, it was just a mass of confusion.
I saw people beginning to fall,
and the thought that went through my mind, my goodness I must get out of this line of shots, they may fire some more. And don't ask me why I went into the building because I don't know. Mr. BELIN.
Did you see anything else of people running or doing anything else? Mrs. REID.
No; because I ran into the building. I do not recall seeing anyone in the lobby. I ran up to our office.
Ive been trying find Mrs Reid in the Couch film or the stabilzed version here: