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Author Topic: Yale Skull & Bones Society Provides the Root of Evil Behind JFK Assassination  (Read 25261 times)

Offline Tom Scully

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BTW, the mystery of the origin of the Bones tomb was finally cleared up this past year by a classmate and fellow S&B of
GW Bush, the most talkative member of that secret society I have come across.:"skull+and+bones"

Skulls and Keys: The Hidden History of Yale's Secret Societies
David Alan Richards - 2017 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
Thacher replied that the faculty could give no recognition to Skull and Bones any more than to any other student society, since it was inappropriate to make any distinctions among them, but if the society's alumni chose to put up a building for their ... Using the $6,000 budget produced by the builder Atwater Treat for lot dimensions of 25 by 45 feet, Bliss was directed by the building committee to approach the New York?based architect Davis, who had worked with the contractor Treat on ...

May 26, 2004 - Maybe the Yale secret society Skull & Bones isn't as warm and cozy as previously believed. A new book, "Ambushed," reveals that Bonesman David Richards, now a Manhattan real estate lawyer, was the member who tapped Yale junior George W. Bush in 1967. But Richards - who didn't respond to ...

A BONESMAN'S OUT OF JOINT Secret Society guy fumes over attack ...
Jul 1, 2004 - Author and Bones expert Toby Rogers tells me that Manhattan real-estate lawyer David Richards, the Bonesman who "tapped" Yale undergrad George W. Bush into the elite club in 1967, is taking a lot of heat for his anti-Bush comments that appeared in this column in May. Last week, Rogers recounts, ...
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 12:12:07 PM by Tom Scully »

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Lee Wotton

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I would enjoy reading some specifics. Crump had no unambiguous alibi, was identified as being in the vicinity of the victim shortly
before her death, did not, according to a neighbor, leave home that morning carrying any fishing gear, jumped in the canal near the
scene of the crime, and gave several conflicting versions of where he was and what he was doing at the time of the murder, or even
whether he was  asleep or awake at the time, alone or with someone else, or heard shots, or not. There was a strong circumstantial
case justifying his prosecution. He was not found innocent by the jury. His lawyer, Ms. Roundtree's conflicting accounts of the points
I touched on above are troubling, not persuasive. So was author Peter Janney's cherry picking of her differing accounts.

Ralph Geb was 20 years older than Oswald. Who would plan a scenario of a 44 year old attempting to impersonate a 24 year old?

Hi Tom, regarding Ralph Geb in my opinion he was never intended to look like Oswald merely create  paper trail with accomplices in MC as par of the framing of Oswald.

The CIA never intended issuing the embassy photographs of the MC mystery man because they knew it wasn't Oswald.  However, the FBI sent them under pressure from the Ambassador.  Released files state how regretful the CIA were that the photos had been entered into the chain of evidence by the FBI whilst under pressure.

Oswald was in MC but had been sent to deliver toxins to a contact to kill Castro.  However, this too was part of the plan to frame Oswald and actioned by David Atlee Philips aka Maurice Bishop.

Hoover was quick to report to LBJ that there was another Oswald imposter in MC to push the focus towards the CIA whom he hated.  Hoover couldn't do anything but cover things up as Oswald was taken off the FBI watch list just before the assassination when Hoover learned fully of the plot.  Also Angleton had blackmailed Hoover and Hoover great friends with LBJ would have been retired if JFK remained in power.

Offline Lee Wotton

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Look at Clark Clifford's sordid career after 1963! Including Chairman of BCCI.

Raymond Rocca in the first CIA Garrison Group Meeting stated that he thought Garrison would get a conviction against Shaw.  They decided they should inform certain people of the seriousness of the situation.  Obviously the first name they quoted was the Director.  Next was Hoover and then Clark Clifford, Yale Skull and Bones!!

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Look at Clark Clifford's sordid career after 1963! Including Chairman of BCCI.

Raymond Rocca in the first CIA Garrison Group Meeting stated that he thought Garrison would get a conviction against Shaw.  They decided they should inform certain people of the seriousness of the situation.  Obviously the first name they quoted was the Director.  Next was Hoover and then Clark Clifford, Yale Skull and Bones!!
Clark Clifford did not attend Yale and was not Skull and Bones.

Friends in High Places: The Rise and Fall of Clark Clifford - Page 15

I do find it curious that the man married to Clifford's aunt Marguerite Bowman McAdams in late
1964 was a close friend of Priscilla's first cousin, David C Davenport, CIA, and performed as driver
and bodyguard of Priscilla and Marina. and

20 October, 2001

Without Reservations: From Harlem to the End of the Santa Fe Trail

2-1/2 years later, Clark Cilfford's first cousin JoAnne McAdams
filed a lawsuit against that man, her stepfather Jerome Jerre Hastings Hasty, his friend David Davenport,
and several doctors for involuntarily committing her to the State of New Mexico mental hospital.

No one reacts to those facts because they do not know what to make of them despite the uncontested
facts that support all of that as true!

Caprio and company must read it in a 40 year old book to embrace it unconditionally.

Las Vegas Optic from Las Vegas, New Mexico on July 31, 1967 ? Page 1
Miss Me Adams, who is not represented by an attorney in the suit relates in the complaint that she had come to Santa Fe to visit her mother, Mrs. Marguerite McAdams Hasty, and her mother's husband, Jerome Hasty, and David Davenport, a friend of Hasty, induced her to consult Dr. Roscnbaum. As a result, she claims, the ...

Marina Oswald (left), widow of Lee Harvey Oswald, with friend Jerre Hastings (center) and Priscilla Johnson McMillan. McMillan befriended Oswald after the assassination of JFK. (JOSH REYNOLDS/JOSH REYNOLDS PHOTO)

1954 Obit:

Alton Evening Telegraph ? 21 December 1950 ? Page 18

....Miss Margaret Clifford Weds in Chevy Chuse The marriage of Lt. William
Henry Lanagan, jr., United States Marine Corps, and Miss Margaret
Pepperell Clifford, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark, McAdams Clifford, were
married Wednesday at 4 o'clock in All Saints Episcopal Church, Chevy
Chase, Md. A reception was held at the recently acquired estate of the
Cliffords, 8551 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, Md., after the wedding. Guests
included the bride's paternal grandmother, Mrs. Frank A. Clifford of St.
Louis, and uncle, William D. McAdams of New York.

Chicago Tribune - Aug 16, 1954
RIES William Douglas McAdims Services for William Doug- las McAdams, 67, of 734 Lin- coln av., Wlnnetka, who died SaPersonay in his home, will be held at 10 am Wednesday in the Congregational churc4, Winnetka. He had been a Winnetka resident for forty years and also maintained a home ..Mr. McAdams leaves his wife, Marguerite Bowman McAdams; a son, William D. ... three daughters, Joan A. McAdams, Mrs. IVarilyn Barton and Mrs. Marguerite Borregaard.....
1940 U.S. Census snippet of a household in New Trier (Winnetka)Illinois:

On April 26, 1940, Jerome A Hastings was a 29 year old man who was born in Wisconsin and was employed as a buyer at a country club. His education level was C2, two years of college. Hastings' annual income was just over $300. In 1935 his residence was in Flemington, NJ.

On May 18, Jerome Hasty was a 29 year old man who was born in Wisconsin and was employed as a officer at a country club. His education level was C1, one year of college. Hasty's annual income was just over $600. In 1935 his residence was in Carmel-by-the-Sea, CAL.

26 years later, Jerome Allen Hasty files a notice of legal change of name from Hasty to Hastings:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 10:59:58 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Lee Wotton

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BTW, the mystery of the origin of the Bones tomb was finally cleared up this past year by a classmate and fellow S&B of
GW Bush, the most talkative member of that secret society I have come across.:"skull+and+bones"

Very interesting Tom thank you.  You are correct about my error with Clark Clifford and Skull and Bones.  However, I believe he was very close to McGeorge Bundy and Dean Acheson.  The interesting thing with Clifford is that he was named as one of the first people to brief after the CIA Garrison Meeting No. 1 which included Hoover and the CIA Director.

We all now that mental institutions were used by the CIA to take people out of circulation too!!!

Do you have any views on Ochsner?

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Tom Scully

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Very interesting Tom thank you.  You are correct about my error with Clark Clifford and Skull and Bones.  However, I believe he was very close to McGeorge Bundy and Dean Acheson.  The interesting thing with Clifford is that he was named as one of the first people to brief after the CIA Garrison Meeting No. 1 which included Hoover and the CIA Director.

We all now that mental institutions were used by the CIA to take people out of circulation too!!!

Do you have any views on Ochsner?

Clark Clifford, a Major Adviser To Four Presidents, Is Dead at 91

...President Johnson was hardly in office 24 hours when he called for Mr. Clifford. Faced with the sudden and enormous task of running the country after Kennedy's assassination, Johnson talked with Mr. Clifford for two hours, then three, then four. It was late in the evening, Mr. Clifford remembered, when Lady Bird Johnson entered the Oval Office and reminded her husband, ''Just because you're President now doesn't mean you don't have to eat dinner.''

Mr. Clifford's warm relationship with Johnson became strained and almost broke over Vietnam in 1967, when Johnson asked him to be Secretary of Defense. Mr. Clifford's first assignment was to determine how to meet Gen. William C. Westmoreland's request for 206,000 more American troops in Vietnam.....

I am not comfortable speculating, as far as Ochsner or anything NOLA related.  My research supports my presumption Garrison was not about uncovering and
presenting the truth. He complained about this guy, WDSU counsel Stephen Lemann in his June, 1967 letter to the FCC commissioner but he did not name
Lemann in that letter, or ever, or his nephew, Nicholas B Lemann.:

2of2 Garrison 06/18/67 letter to FCC comm. Rosel H. Hyde
(Top of right side column)
?It should be added that the last described endeavor has been accomplished not by members of the station (WDSU) itself, but by an attorney closely connected with the station who has previously been known to disperse funds in the New Orleans area in behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency?

Stephen Lemann hired this guy who just happened to be Sylvia Odio's former Dallas Catholic priest, father Machann!

The Rise and Fall of Big Jim G. | News | The Harvard Crimson
Feb 6, 1974 - By Nicholas Lemann, February 6, 1974 ... Only a very few Southern politicians have been able to put together this mythical coalition, but Jim Garrison, the six-and-a-half foot tall New Orleans district attorney who lost his third reelection campaign in December, remained politically powerful in New Orleans for ...

Russo v. Conde Nast Publications, 806 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1992 ...
Russo v. Conde Nast Publications, 806 F. Supp. 603 (E.D. La. 1992) case opinion from the US District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana. ... The GQ article was a personal memoir of Lemann's recollections of growing up in New Orleans during District Attorney Jim Garrison's prosecution of Clay Shaw for allegedly ...

Nicholas Lemann ? Charlie Rose
Entertainment, HistoryAir Date 12/30/1991. Nicholas Lemann, David Denby, and Zachary Sklar debate historical fact versus theory in Oliver Stone's "JFK." 'JFK,' Pt. 3. Entertainment, HistoryAir Date 12/30/1991. In the final segment of a three-part conversation, Lemann, Denby, and Sklar continue their debate about "JFK.".

JFK: The Book of the Film : the Documented Screenplay - Page 345
Oliver Stone, ‎Zachary Sklar - 1992 - ‎Preview - ‎More editions
There is plenty that is wrong with American society, and Oliver Stone is one of the few directors with the clout and the interest in politics to be able to address it in mainstream films. Instead of going after a real problem, ... April 1992 GQ FOR THE DEFENSE Zachary Sklar Editor's note: Nicholas Lemann's essay "The Case Against Jim Garrison" [January] inspired more letters than any article we have published in recent years, almost all of them critical of Lemann 's argument. The most ...

This lady was CIA covert agent David Baldwin's wife's mother. She was also step-mother of Stephen Lemann and step-grandmother of his nephew, Nicholas Lemann.:
(She spent her summers as a guest of the Sterns of WDSU at their estate in New York, even before she married Monte Lemann in 1946.)

Judith Shulevitz, Nicholas Lemann - The New York Times
Nov 7, 1999 - Until this year, the bridegroom was the national correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly. He graduated from Harvard and is the author of ''The Big Test: The Secret History of the American Meritocracy'' (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1999). He is the son of Thomas B. Lemann of New Orleans and the late Barbara ...

Nicholas Lemann - Wikipedia
Nicholas Berthelot Lemann is the Joseph Pulitzer II and Edith Pulitzer Moore Professor of Journalism and Dean Emeritus of the Faculty of Journalism at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1999.

The facts in NOLA do not mesh with what you, the authors, or anyone else who weighs in on what they think happened.:

Tom S.   June 21, 2016 at 8:28 pm
Link to prior Cotw ?
Unredacted Episode 1: Transcript of Interview with Joan Mellen
This interview was conducted on 22 Feb 2006. ?. and the interview was conducted by Rex Bradford.
JOAN: ? when Baldwin was present, he was a CIA asset, his brother worked for the International Trade Mart and Clay Shaw, David Baldwin, and these, these are CIA people.??
2of2 Garrison 06/18/67 letter to FCC comm. Rosel H. Hyde
(Top of right side column)
?It should be added that the last described endeavor has been accomplished not by members of the station (WDSU) itself, but by an attorney closely connected with the station who has previously been known to disperse funds in the New Orleans area in behalf of the Central Intelligence Agency?
John McAdams ? June 18, 2016 at 10:42 am

Fonzi is not reliable.
He also claimed that the CIA had penetrated the Garrison investigation with multiple agents. But he had no evidence of that, and the evidence is clearly that the CIA did not.

This ?Comment of the week,? is an experiment. Doubt is creeping in that it is even possible for a facts influenced discussion to develop, a discussion in which side driven sentiment is overwhelmed by what no participant in the discussion particularly relishes, what the facts actually are telling us if we choose to consider them.

Tom S.   June 22, 2016 at 12:41 am
Dr. McAdams, both Garrison and Shaw were aware of what you do not want to discuss. Instead you declare Gaeton Fonzi was wrong.
Fonzi was mistaken, but not to the extent you are. You claim the CIA had no role. Yes, the details indicate the CIA did not infiltrate
Garrison?s investigation and prosecution, the actual details indicate Garrison and Shaw were wisps of a CIA smokescreen.:

I consider what I would have to minimize or ignore to write what Gerry did about Garrison, or your response to Ronnie,
(see ? )
and I cannot relate to either of your scenarios because they are incompatible with what I?ve presented. I restrict myself to opinions supported by the details. The details and the behavior of Garrison and Shaw indicate they were similarly restricted, they kept identical secrets, despite this friendly advice.:

Who had the influence to put both of them on short leashes for the rest of their lives, to bring them both to heel?

« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 11:51:27 AM by Tom Scully »

Offline Lee Wotton

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I am not comfortable speculating, as far as Ochsner or anything NOLA related.  My research supports my presumption Garrison was not about uncovering and
presenting the truth. He complained about this guy, WDSU counsel Stephen Lemann in his June, 1967 letter to the FCC commissioner but he did not name
Lemann in that letter, or ever, or his nephew, Nicholas B Lemann.:

Stephen Lemann hired this guy who just happened to be Sylvia Odio's former Dallas Catholic priest, father Machann!

This lady was CIA covert agent David Baldwin's wife's mother. She was also step-mother of Stephen Lemann and step-grandmother of his nephew, Nicholas Lemann.:
(She spent her summers as a guest of the Sterns of WDSU at their estate in New York, even before she married Monte Lemann in 1946.)

The facts in NOLA do not mesh with what you, the authors, or anyone else who weighs in on what they think happened.:

Tom,  thank you for the information.  Do you mind me asking what your general thoughts are on the JFK assassination and what authors / sources you consider most reliable and trust worthy?

Also am I correct in thinking Henry Luce was the owner o Time Life at the time it purchased the Zapruder film?

Offline Lee Wotton

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Ralph Geb likely MC Mystery Man.  Comments on photo likeness 25 years apart?

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