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Author Topic: The FPP and finding an exit wound  (Read 5247 times)

Offline Matt Grantham

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The FPP and finding an exit wound
« on: April 21, 2018, 10:59:59 PM »
 Items related to this

 The Harper Fragment Good luck with an online search of what happened to this thing I get some clues that the Harper's sent it to Burkley?

The fragment that Jackie supposedly had in her hand at Parkland

The 6.5  image on the X ray that David Mantik thinks was an attempted frame Oswald

Wkipedia seems to indicate three bone fragments were found Are these the same three we see on some diagrams from the top of the head Isn't it clear enough in the photos that no significant part of the skull is missing
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 12:05:27 AM by Matt Grantham »

JFK Assassination Forum

The FPP and finding an exit wound
« on: April 21, 2018, 10:59:59 PM »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2018, 08:34:31 PM »
Secret Service Agent Saw JFK's Head Blown Out In The Back

Samuel A. Kinney was the driver of the follow-up car on 11-22-63 .

In regard to JFK's head wound, Kinney was explicit: "He had no brain left-it was blown out...there was nothing left...(it was blown out...I saw it (the shot) hit and I saw his hair come out...I had brain matter all over my windshield and left arm, that's how close we were to it... It was the right rear part of his head... because that's the part I saw blow out. I saw hair come out, the piece blow out, then the skin went back in- an explosion in and out". Elaborating further, Sam said , after telling him that's where the Parkland doctors saw the wound, I would say so too... it involved half his head". Asked to explain the 1500 gram brain at the autopsy, Sam seemed perplexed, saying that "there was brain matter all over the place". Amazingly when I told Kinney there was a book-- ( High Treason ) that alleged "{SS Agent}" Emory Roberts ordered the men not to move," Sam said , " Exactly Right "

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2018, 08:47:11 PM »
 Sam Kinney, perhaps the most damning witness for the LN's, never called by the Warren Commission?

 I hate to repeat myself but still looking for either the HSCA or WC reports in regard to what skull fragments were admitted as evidence? You see a lot of discussion by Wecht and others about the FPP interpretation of the autopsy photos and autopsy witness reports, but I see no discussion on the location of the skull fragments and where we  would expect to find skull missing in the photos and reports in association with said fragments

 I often see a diagram showing three skull fragments flying off of the top of JFK's head, but am unclear on the source

« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 09:04:59 PM by Matt Grantham »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #2 on: April 23, 2018, 08:47:11 PM »

Offline Tim Nickerson

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2018, 06:07:41 PM »
Items related to this

 The Harper Fragment Good luck with an online search of what happened to this thing I get some clues that the Harper's sent it to Burkley?

The fragment that Jackie supposedly had in her hand at Parkland

The 6.5  image on the X ray that David Mantik thinks was an attempted frame Oswald

Wkipedia seems to indicate three bone fragments were found Are these the same three we see on some diagrams from the top of the head Isn't it clear enough in the photos that no significant part of the skull is missing

Jackie never held a fragment of skull in her hand. It was brain tissue.

The 6.5  image on the X ray that David Mantik thinks was an attempted frame of Oswald was actually the bullet fragment that was removed from above and behind Kennedy's right eye by Dr Humes at Bethesda.

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2018, 11:42:02 PM »
Jackie never held a fragment of skull in her hand. It was brain tissue.

The 6.5  image on the X ray that David Mantik thinks was an attempted frame of Oswald was actually the bullet fragment that was removed from above and behind Kennedy's right eye by Dr Humes at Bethesda.

 Could you please answer what skull fragments, if any, were entered as evidence by either the WC or HSCA?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #4 on: April 30, 2018, 11:42:02 PM »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2018, 01:12:38 AM »
The skull fragments would have been too damning for the Lone-nut theory of Oswald shooting from the sixth floor all by himself and as far as the Warren Commission failing to call certain witnesses like Samuel L. Kinney to testify was just another way of not wanting to hear what Kinney had to say. The Newman's were not called to testify to the WC because their statements did not match up to what the conclusion was as far as the WC was concerned. It has been said that a lawyer will not ask a question that he or she does not know the answer to. Jackie grabbing some brain from the trunk of the limo says a lot about the direction from where the head-shot came. It seems to be unthinkable that the crux of this assassination deals with so many different findings with so many parts of what happened and what didn't happen to make this case unable to be put to rest .

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2018, 01:48:26 AM »
The FPP claimed that both the Triangular and Harper skull fragments marked the exit point of a bullet or bullet fragment.[23] This point is critical; the FPP claimed that the Harper and Triangular fragments adjoined one another and completed a single bullet exit hole at the coronal suture on the right front side of President Kennedy?s skull. In other words, the three disparate exit points actually fitted together, representing a single exit site. The FPP justified this conclusion by stating that they ?attempted to locate the correct position of these fragments and then, using the paper cutouts [of the Triangular and Harper fragments], to place these bone fragments on a human skull for the purposes of reconstruction.?

The FPP published the following illustration (created by HSCA medical illustrator, Ida Dox) representing their version of the skull defect:

Figure H-4. Exhibit F-66, the FPP version of the damage to John Kennedy?s skull as derived from the X-rays and skull model exercise.[24]

The ejected bone fragments in the above drawing were said by Dr. Baden to have been ?drawn to scale in relation to each other, but not to the skull.?[25] Additionally, the positioning of the fragments in the illustration does not appear to actually represent the ejection pattern as the FPP defined it.

The Vanished FPP Skull Model
The actual human skull upon which Ida Dox drew the skull defect, and to which she and Baden taped the paper bone fragment, and upon which the FPP based major conclusions was never introduced into evidence before the HSCA. No likeness of it was produced in the HSCA Report or in any supporting volumes, including Vol. VII containing the FPP Report. Indeed, the skull model?s existence is known only from Baden and Dox?s testimony, and from the brief passage in the FPP Report referenced above. After I realized that the FPP outshoot claim was suspect, I began to search for the unseen skull. A promising lead was quickly developed; a ?skull model? associated with the HSCA was housed at National Archives and Record Administration (NARA) in Maryland.[26]

H-4. Exhibit F-66,
 I am not able to get the image to post here, but it is the one I have been referring to for awhile  IF we are to believe this is the real representation of skull fragment according to the forensics panel, why do we not see the damage in the autopsy pictures The idea of the kind of destruction of the skull evidenced in the Zapruder film just does not equate to what we see in the autopsy photos whether you are talking damage to the rear back or top

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The FPP and finding an exit wound
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2018, 01:48:26 AM »