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Author Topic: Non problematic evidence?  (Read 37224 times)

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2018, 06:00:11 PM »
That's it... It's all over now.

Poor dumb cop, eh John...

Gosh, if only there was something to distinguish Oswald from other men who may have left their rings at home that day. What could it be?

Something about, I don't know, working in the building where a shooter shot JFK? Maybe, perhaps, something about carrying a large package into the building? Something about leaving nearly all of his money behind that day? Something about holding radical anti-US views?

No, we're supposed to ignore all of that and just think about the ring.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2018, 06:00:11 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #25 on: April 29, 2018, 09:20:01 PM »
... muddled the numbers and facts of the real SBT

The "fact of the real Single  Bullet Theory"? So it is admitted there that it is indeed a theory?
Either that or someone's head seems to be "muddled".
Ladies and gentleman.....
The Report muddles the facts!
Mr. SPECTER. Now looking at that bullet, Exhibit 399, Doctor Humes, could that bullet have gone through or been any part of the fragment passing through President Kennedy's head in Exhibit No. 388?

Commander HUMES. I do not believe so, sir.

Mr. SPECTER. And could that missile have made the wound on Governor Connally's right wrist?

Commander HUMES. I think that that is most unlikely ... The reason I believe it most unlikely that this missile could have inflicted either of these wounds is that this missile is basically intact; its jacket appears to me to be intact, and I do not understand how it could possibly have left fragments in either of these locations.

Mr. SPECTER. Dr. Humes, under your opinion which you have just given us, what effect, if any, would that have on whether this bullet, 399, could have been the one to lodge in Governor Connally's thigh?

Commander HUMES. I think that extremely unlikely. The reports, again Exhibit 392 from Parkland, tell of an entrance wound on the lower midthigh of the Governor, and X-rays taken there are described as showing metallic fragments in the bone, which apparently by this report were not removed and are still present in Governor Connally's thigh. I can't conceive of where they came from this missile.

Here's what happened...  CE 399 was planted on a stretcher.
I believe it was fired from the suspect rifle...but previously ...into a mattress maybe then retrieved and kept to use as incriminating evidence so that it could be identified by ballistics.
Another 'bread crumb' someone has called it.

We have a number of guest viewers, so for the benefit of all...
Commission Exhibit 399, is supposed to have:

    entered President Kennedy?s upper back,
    passed through his upper back and lower neck,
    come out of his throat just below the Adam?s apple,
    entered Governor John Connally?s back close to his right armpit,
    passed through his body, smashing several inches of one rib,
    come out of the right side of his chest,
    passed through his right wrist, breaking the radius bone,
    embedded itself in his left thigh,
    and finally, while Connally was laying on a stretcher in Parkland Hospital, the bullet worked its way out of his thigh and fell onto the stretcher, where it was discovered by a hospital employee.
I encourage all to read this complete page.....

Who was the 'hospital employee that found' that bullet...does anyone know?



Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2018, 09:55:20 PM »
The "fact of the real Single  Bullet Theory"? So it is admitted there that it is indeed a theory?
Either that or someone's head seems to be "muddled".
Ladies and gentleman.....
The Report muddles the facts!
Here's what happened...  CE 399 was planted on a stretcher.
I believe it was fired from the suspect rifle...but previously ...into a mattress maybe then retrieved and kept to use as incriminating evidence so that it could be identified by ballistics.
Another 'bread crumb' someone has called it.

We have a number of guest viewers, so for the benefit of all...I encourage all to read this complete page.....

Who was the 'hospital employee that found' that bullet...does anyone know?

As your link above mentions, Darrell Tomlinson was the hospital worker who said he found it.

Questions about planting a bullet:

How did the "planters" know to plant a bullet that was only "slightly" damaged if it was to have gone through at least one person the President? And no one else?

How did the "planters" know they could plant that bullet before they knew how many other bullets would be recovered? How could they have known that CE 399 would not be the "extra bullet" that would blow the whole plot? That it wouldn't reveal another shooter?

How did the "planters" know what general size, shape and condition the bullet could be - had to be - before the actual bullets would be found? Before Connally was operated on?  What if a large part of the bullet that hit JFK was found in JFK's neck or upper back, a piece or fragment that was too big to have come from CE 399? What if a large piece was lodged in Connally? What if it had gone through JFK and hit the interior of the car? Or another passenger?

How did the "planters" know before the assassination they could do all of this, i.e, plant that specific bullet with its unique qualities, afterwards? That their actions wouldn't reveal the plot?

And, if CE 399 isn't the bullet that went through JFK, then where IS that bullet? Did it disappear?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 03:31:29 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #26 on: April 29, 2018, 09:55:20 PM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #27 on: April 29, 2018, 11:36:44 PM »
As your link above mentions, Darrell Tomlinson was the hospital worker who said he found it.
Questions about planting a bullet:
I reviewed the testimony of Tomlinson pasting some here.
Mr. TOMLINSON. I don't know anything about what could have happened to them in between the time I was gone, and I made several trips before I discovered the bullet on the end of it there.....
later testimony......

Mr. SPECTER. Now, after I tell you that, does that have any effect on refreshing your recollection of what you told the Secret Service man?
Mr. TOMLINSON. No it really doesn't---it really doesn't.
Mr. SPECTER. So, would it be a fair summary to say that when I first started to talk to you about it, your first view was that the stretcher you took off of the elevator was stretcher A, and then I told you that the Secret Service man said it was---that you had said the stretcher you took off of the elevator was the one that you found the bullet off, and when we talked about the whole matter and talked over the entire situation, you really can't be completely sure about which stretcher you took off of the elevator, because you didn't push the stretcher that you took off of the elevator right against the wall at first?
Mr. TOMLINSON. That's right.
Mr. SPECTER. And, there was a lot of confusion that day, which is what you told me before?
Mr. TOMLINSON. Absolutely. And now, honestly, I don't remember telling him definitely-I know we talked about it, and I told him that it could have been. Now, he might have drawed his own conclusion on that.
Mr. SPECTER. You told the Secret Service agent that you didn't know where---
Mr. TOMLINSON. (interrupting). He asked me if it could have been brought down from the second floor.
Mr. SPECTER. You got the stretcher from where the bullet came from, whether it was brought down from the second floor?
Mr. TOMLINSON. It could have been--I'm not sure whether it was A I took off.
Mr. SPECTER. But did you tell the Secret Service man which one you thought it was you took off of the elevator?
Mr. TOMLINSON. I'm not clear on that---whether I absolutely made a positive statement to that effect.
Mr. SPECTER. You told him that it could have been B you took off of the elevator?
Mr. TOMLINSON. That's right.
Mr. SPECTER. But, you don't remember whether you told him it was A you took off of the elevator?
Mr. TOMLINSON. I think it was A---I'm not really sure.
I have questions too.
Why did the Secret Service need to interview Tomlinson a week after the FBI did?
Seems like the president's body guards were more conscientious/diligent after he was killed than they ever were before hand.
Questions alright...that the Commission should have answered.

Online Martin Weidmann

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2018, 12:20:00 AM »
You might as well have


I actually lowered the bar and purposely did not ask for anything more than the naming of a piece of physical evidence conclusively linked to Oswald that clearly points to his guilt, but it seems even that bar was too high for the LNs

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #28 on: April 30, 2018, 12:20:00 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #29 on: April 30, 2018, 03:52:50 AM »

I actually lowered the bar and purposely did not ask for anything more than the naming of a piece of physical evidence conclusively linked to Oswald that clearly points to his guilt, but it seems even that bar was too high for the LNs

Not too high, not if any of you were in any way reasonable, even in the slightest.

The way you characters practically need to have caught Oswald with his pants down (so-to-speak) right there in the SN firing the Carcano pretty much drives the CT standard of proof bar clear out of the known universe.

« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 07:49:08 AM by Bill Chapman »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #30 on: April 30, 2018, 09:02:37 PM »
Name one LNer who claims any one piece of evidence, on it's own, would convict.

Name one LN-er who ever says what specific evidence he uses to conclude that Oswald did it.

Online Steve M. Galbraith

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Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2018, 09:05:08 PM »
I reviewed the testimony of Tomlinson pasting some here. have questions too.
Why did the Secret Service need to interview Tomlinson a week after the FBI did?
Seems like the president's body guards were more conscientious/diligent after he was killed than they ever were before hand.
Questions alright...that the Commission should have answered.

As JFK said, if someone wanted to shoot him with a rifle from a tall building there was nothing anyone could do about it. That is unless the President would stop traveling in an open limo; which is what happened after the assassination.

Did the SS perform poorly? Yes, it certainly appears so but I'm not sure they could have stopped Oswald - who I think shot JFK - from killing the president.

As to my questions: It's pretty obvious - at least to me - that it would be impossible to plant create or produce the right, e.g., size, shape, condition, bullet that fit the scenario BEFORE knowledge of the actual shooting was obtained. How could any "planters" foresee or predict what would happen? How could they be sure that the bullet they planted wouldn't be an extra one, one that would show their conspiracy? How could they know that the bullet that did hit JFK didn't fragment so that their phony bullet would expose their acts? There's a whole series of outcomes of the actual shooting that they couldn't know about.

Besides, the bullet that exited JFK's throat/neck had to go somewhere. Where did it go?

« Last Edit: April 30, 2018, 11:49:19 PM by Steve M. Galbraith »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Non problematic evidence?
« Reply #31 on: April 30, 2018, 09:05:08 PM »