Way to continue with your false ad hominem frame of me against the experts The jets effect occurs with jets which is an independent additive force of a potential energy within the object being struck You do have common sense against you eh
So far, you have refused to deal with a point I made earlier. That most CTers who make the argue ?The head motion explained by a shot from the back defies the laws of physics?, had never taken even a high school course in physics.
Does this apply to you? Did you take a high school course in physics? I suspect you didn?t because your teacher, if he was a good one, would have told you that common sense is a poor predictor of what will happen in the real world. ?Common Sense? will tell you that a taped melon shot by a rifle won?t move back toward the shooter. Only real-world experiments will show that actually can happen and reveal that melons can and do fly back toward the rifle. In any case my high school teacher told me specifically not to rely on common sense to figure out what will happen in certain cases.
Or are you just going to deny the standard of physics and forensics Are you really suggesting forensic scientists do not first assume blood splatter and tissue move in the direction of the shot?
I do not suggest that forensic scientists do not assume that blood splatter and tissue move in the direction of the shot. It?s only you and other CTers who ignore this.
Take another look at z313:

The blood mess is ahead of JFK?s head, correct? It is clearly being propelled forward.
Question: This clearly shows a shot from the back. Correct? If this is showing material being propelled backwards, why doesn?t it appear behind JFK?s head?
Alarez's nbel is is in elementary particles by the way
Yes, but unlike you, he also had a firm understanding of Newtonian Physics. And he also knew how to spell ?Nobel?. And ?Alvarez?.