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Author Topic: Newsweek: A new study has debunked a long-held JFK assassination conspiracy theo  (Read 17611 times)

Offline Richard Rubio

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A new study has debunked a long-held JFK assassination conspiracy theory
By Aristos Georgiou On 4/26/18 at 10:33 AM


One long-held and famous conspiracy theory holds that JFK was shot by a second gunman from a grassy knoll. While the flaws of this theory have already been pointed out by some, a new study published in the journal Heliyon may finally put the idea to rest.

Supporters of this theory tend to use the infamous Zapruder film?which captured the killing?to bolster their claim, pointing to the fact that Kennedy's head moves in a backward and leftward motion after the bullet's impact, apparent proof that he was shot from the front as well as from behind (by Oswald).

But new analysis of the Zapruder footage conducted by Nicholas Nalli from I.M. Systems Group shows that JFK?s reactions after being shot are physically consistent with the results of the official autopsy findings: that he was killed by a gunshot to the back of the head, fired from a high-energy Carcano rifle (the one used by Oswald) located in the vicinity of the Texas School Book Depository.

Full article:

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Offline Ray Mitcham

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It may well be that the head shot that moved JFK's head forward was from the rear, but that doesn't rule out another almost simultaneous shot from the front which blew the back of his head off.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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It may well be that the head shot that moved JFK's head forward was from the rear, but that doesn't rule out another almost simultaneous shot from the front which blew the back of his head off.

 blew the back of his head off.

Anybody who believes this violation of the laws of physics, needs the help of a middle school student or ..... a psychiatrist

JFK Assassination Forum

Offline Ray Mitcham

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blew the back of his head off.

Anybody who believes this violation of the laws of physics, needs the help of a middle school student or ..... a psychiatrist

So you don't believe the doctors at Parkland, Walt?

Offline Richard Rubio

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blew the back of his head off.

Anybody who believes this violation of the laws of physics, needs the help of a middle school student or ..... a psychiatrist

Read forum rules, please leave out the ad homs.

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Offline Ray Mitcham

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So you don't believe the doctors at Parkland, Walt?

Bump for Walt.

Offline Jim Brunsman

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When will these CIA disinformation pieces cease? Goodness, I'm so tired of the media perpetuating this delusion. Newsweek has been one of the worst offenders and this piece is extremely weak. I don't have all day to recite the multiple errors in this piece. But let's look at just one aspect: If the Newsweek piece is accurate, all the witnesses at Parkland Hospital and Bethesda were lying about witnessing a massive wound in the lower rear of the president's skull. By the time the president is examined a few hours later at Bethesda, there's no photographic corroboration of the Dallas and Bethesda witnesses.  Logic dictates that a shot fired from above and behind would exit somewhere on the front of JFK's body, right? There is no evidence of a bullet exit on the front of the president's body nor is there any witness testimony of this. Conversely, all the witnesses report a massive wound in the lower right REAR of JFK's head, clearly indicating at least one shot from the front. How do we explain this anomaly? Were the photographs and X rays faked? What other explanation could there be for all this confusion about the head wounds?

I understand that it's very hard to believe that there was post-mortem surgery on the president's head in an apparent attempt to frame Oswald. But David Lifton and Douglas Horne did the research to ascertain the truth and their research has been corroborated by highly qualified witnesses.  What's the alternative explanation?

We know that anyone with any intellectual honesty will swear the SBT is impossible and that the fatal head shot came from the front. Unfortunately, it appears that virtually every piece of evidence in this case has been tampered with in some way, so that makes finding the truth much harder. I applaud those who have fought through the disinformation all these years to keep fighting for answers.

Offline Jerry Freeman

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It may well be that the head shot that moved JFK's head forward was from the rear, but that doesn't rule out another almost simultaneous shot from the front which blew the back of his head off.

There were witnesses that had stated they heard simultaneous shots like ba-bam] 
If Oswald were the only shooter there would have to be at least 2.3 seconds between shots, assuming he used the telescopic sight found on the Mannlicher Carcano. The three shots that the Warren Commission claimed were fired from Oswald?s rifle could not have been shot faster than 6.9 seconds, including the minimum of 2.3 seconds to set for the first shot. Secret Service Agent Roy Kellerman described the shots as a ?flurry.? Two of the shots were often described by witnesses as so closely spaced that they seemed ?simultaneous? and had ?practically no time element between them.? Additionally, there is a substantial amount of testimony, presented in this article, that describes the later shots as sounding different from the first shot. Governor Connally?s initial reaction to the gunfire was ?that there were either two or three people involved or more in this or someone was shooting with an automatic rifle.? [65]
Why did the Warren Commission ignore any hint that there was a conspiracy there?
Because truth was not their only client but Lyndon Johnson certainly was.
The Warren Commission...look at them...a group of old, conservative, ultra right wing white guys....hand picked by Johnson and Hoover.

Could we think that this would ever fly in today's political environment?

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