"The Dallas Police found Oswald's Carcano"
Actually a 7.65 Mauser was found by Sheriff Department Deputy Boone. The crime scene
was turned over to the (DPD) Dallas Police Department almost immediately. The rifle later became Ozzie's

You are quoting an error caused by Deputy Sheriff Boone's cursory "look" at the rifle before it was examined. Boone later admitted his error: he assumed the rifle was a "Mauser" based on the bolt-action.
Like every other amateur attorney: you have no interest in explaining the whys and wherefores of the Mauser theory. Even the most obvious, rudimentary questions are never asked.
-- Was the German Mauser used to make the assassination shots?
-- Where is the ballistics evidence that links a German Mauser to the assassination shots?
-- Why was Oswald's Carcano unavailable to make the assassination shots?
-- How did Oswald's Italian Carcano appear very soon after the Boone "find" for Captain Fritz and Lieutenant Day to examine the rifle?
-- Were Fritz and day part of a conspiracy to murder JFK? Before the fact? After the fact?
Well Mister defense attorney?
