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Author Topic: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence  (Read 27973 times)

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2018, 04:55:44 PM »
 If I understand you Walt you feel that Mauser was never found first? I have no opinion though I now there was a picture of the original gun that was being called a Mauser. I assume that photograph can be shown to be off the MC?

The second part is not really addressed to you, but if the rifle was found neatly tucked in the opposite corner of the sixth floor from the SN doesn't that increase the time it would have taken Oswald to get to the lunchroom?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #32 on: May 05, 2018, 04:55:44 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #33 on: May 05, 2018, 05:19:07 PM »
If I understand you Walt you feel that Mauser was never found first? I have no opinion though I now there was a picture of the original gun that was being called a Mauser. I assume that photograph can be shown to be off the MC?

The second part is not really addressed to you, but if the rifle was found neatly tucked in the opposite corner of the sixth floor from the SN doesn't that increase the time it would have taken Oswald to get to the lunchroom?

if the rifle was found neatly tucked in the opposite corner of the sixth floor from the SN doesn't that increase the time it would have taken Oswald to get to the lunchroom?

You're exactly right in your choice of words describing the way the carcano was found ....the rifle was found neatly tucked beneath boxes of books stacked on the pallet.  It was NOT hastily discarded by any fleeing person....

"if the rifle was found neatly tucked in the opposite corner of the sixth floor from the SN doesn't that increase the time it would have taken Oswald to get to the lunchroom?"

Absolutely right!!    IF? IF ? Lee had been on the sixth floor ( he wasn't)  at the SE corner window with that carcano at the time of the shooting...He could not have hidden the rifle in the manner it was hidden and reached the lunchroom in 75 seconds.....

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2018, 05:43:34 PM »
You are quoting an error caused by Deputy Sheriff Boone's cursory "look" at the rifle before it was examined. Boone later admitted his error: he assumed the rifle was a "Mauser" based on the bolt-action.

Like every other amateur attorney: you have no interest in explaining the whys and wherefores of the Mauser theory. Even the most obvious, rudimentary questions are never asked.

-- Was the German Mauser used to make the assassination shots?

-- Where is the ballistics evidence that links a German Mauser to the assassination shots?

-- Why was  Oswald's Carcano unavailable to make the assassination shots?

-- How did Oswald's Italian Carcano appear very soon after the Boone "find" for Captain Fritz and Lieutenant Day to examine the rifle?

-- Were Fritz and day part of a conspiracy to murder JFK? Before the fact? After the fact?

Well Mister defense attorney?????

You are quoting an error caused by Deputy Sheriff Boone's cursory "look" at the rifle before it was examined. Boone later admitted his error: he assumed the rifle was a "Mauser" based on the bolt-action.

This is a fact!.......

Were Fritz and day part of a conspiracy to murder JFK? Before the fact? After the fact?

I believe that Fritz was a key component in the coup d e'tat......   Day was his hand puppet.....

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #34 on: May 05, 2018, 05:43:34 PM »

Offline Mike Orr

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #35 on: May 05, 2018, 08:52:41 PM »
      Boone says on his supplementary Investigation report on Nov. 22nd that the rifle appears to be a 7.65mm  Mauser.

       Seymour Weitzman says this rifle was a 7.65 bolt action equipped with a 4/18 scope.

        We know that Roger Craig said that stamped on the barrel was 7.65 Mauser which , Fritz and Weitzman and Craig all saw the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel and Weitzman says it is a Mauser as he pointed to the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel.
         What happened to the bullet that was ejected out of the Mauser when the rifle was found?
         As we know Roger Craig was ostracized by the police dept. and was kept from getting jobs and it was said that he took his own life , all because he stuck to his story that there was a 7.65 Mauser found and not a 6.5 Mannlicher  Carcano . The shell casings found in the shooters nest were for a 6.5 rifle and as Craig said the two don't match . That is the 6.5 shell casings and the 7.65 Mauser don't relate to each other . If Craig had made a mistake , he would have owned up to it , but Craig , Weitzman and Fritz all looked at the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel at to which point , Weitzman said as he pointed to the writing on the barrel , "it is a Mauser" !  When you look at it having two things that don't add up , like the 7.65 Mauser and the 6.5 shells at the nest , then you can put together 2 shooters in one area . That's a conspiracy within itself.  You tube--JFK murder cop & hero Roger Craig tells it all

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2018, 09:11:59 PM »
      Boone says on his supplementary Investigation report on Nov. 22nd that the rifle appears to be a 7.65mm  Mauser.

       Seymour Weitzman says this rifle was a 7.65 bolt action equipped with a 4/18 scope.

        We know that Roger Craig said that stamped on the barrel was 7.65 Mauser which , Fritz and Weitzman and Craig all saw the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel and Weitzman says it is a Mauser as he pointed to the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel.
         What happened to the bullet that was ejected out of the Mauser when the rifle was found?
         As we know Roger Craig was ostracized by the police dept. and was kept from getting jobs and it was said that he took his own life , all because he stuck to his story that there was a 7.65 Mauser found and not a 6.5 Mannlicher  Carcano . The shell casings found in the shooters nest were for a 6.5 rifle and as Craig said the two don't match . That is the 6.5 shell casings and the 7.65 Mauser don't relate to each other . If Craig had made a mistake , he would have owned up to it , but Craig , Weitzman and Fritz all looked at the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel at to which point , Weitzman said as he pointed to the writing on the barrel , "it is a Mauser" !  When you look at it having two things that don't add up , like the 7.65 Mauser and the 6.5 shells at the nest , then you can put together 2 shooters in one area . That's a conspiracy within itself.  You tube--JFK murder cop & hero Roger Craig tells it all

 Mike do you know off hand if there was corroboration that Craig was there

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #36 on: May 05, 2018, 09:11:59 PM »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #37 on: May 05, 2018, 10:13:42 PM »
Mike do you know off hand if there was corroboration that Craig was there
Roger Craig was there on the sixth floor at the time the Carcano was found where it had been carefully hidden beneath boxes of books.  And the site where it had been carefully hidden was out of reach from the aisle at the top of the stairs.

The conspirators in the DPD didn't have to move the site very far to the north to make it feasible for a fleeing person to deposit the rifle as they fled .....but the fact is they DID move the site about two feet closer to the aisle where they claimed the arch villain Lee Harrrrvey Ossssswald ( BOOOOO HISSS )ran by and tossed the rifle as he fled.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 12:34:05 AM by Walt Cakebread »

Offline Gary Craig

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #38 on: May 06, 2018, 02:51:45 PM »
There was no 7.65 Mauser found on the sixth floor at about 1:22 that afternoon.....The rifle that Boone saw a small portion of the butt of ...was a Mannlicher Carcano.

Any serious student who is searching for the truth is handcuffing himself by believing the mauser nonsense.....

This tale has become interwoven with the facts of the case and there's probably no way to remove the idea from the legend.....  A pity.

Regardless of what one believes was found there is a first day record of affidavits and LE reports clearly

stating a 7.65 Mauser was found. The farther away from an event you get the less accurate are the

accounts and recollections of what happened.

Pulling the "any serious researcher" BS out of your arse to defend your point is a tactic usually reserved

for bottom feeding LNers.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 02:54:31 PM by Gary Craig »

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2018, 04:14:48 PM »
      Boone says on his supplementary Investigation report on Nov. 22nd that the rifle appears to be a 7.65mm  Mauser.

       Seymour Weitzman says this rifle was a 7.65 bolt action equipped with a 4/18 scope.

        We know that Roger Craig said that stamped on the barrel was 7.65 Mauser which , Fritz and Weitzman and Craig all saw the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel and Weitzman says it is a Mauser as he pointed to the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel.
         What happened to the bullet that was ejected out of the Mauser when the rifle was found?
         As we know Roger Craig was ostracized by the police dept. and was kept from getting jobs and it was said that he took his own life , all because he stuck to his story that there was a 7.65 Mauser found and not a 6.5 Mannlicher  Carcano . The shell casings found in the shooters nest were for a 6.5 rifle and as Craig said the two don't match . That is the 6.5 shell casings and the 7.65 Mauser don't relate to each other . If Craig had made a mistake , he would have owned up to it , but Craig , Weitzman and Fritz all looked at the 7.65 Mauser stamped on the barrel at to which point , Weitzman said as he pointed to the writing on the barrel , "it is a Mauser" !  When you look at it having two things that don't add up , like the 7.65 Mauser and the 6.5 shells at the nest , then you can put together 2 shooters in one area . That's a conspiracy within itself.  You tube--JFK murder cop & hero Roger Craig tells it all

As we know Roger Craig was ostracized by the police dept. and was kept from getting jobs and it was said that he took his own life , all because he stuck to his story that there was a 7.65 Mauser found and not a 6.5 Mannlicher Carcano .

Anybody with at least one good eye can see for themselves that the rifle that was found by deputy Boone where it had been CAREFULLY HIDDEN was in fact a Mannlicher Carcano.   There are dozens of photos that prove the rifle was a model 91/38 Mannlicher Caqrcano 

Unfortunately Roger Craig had a mental problem....   He could never admit that he was wrong....  So rather than admit he was in error he would embellish his stance in an effort to make his tale more convincing.

It is a fact that Roger Craig was never close enough to the carcano on the sixth floor to allow him to see "stamped right there on the barrel was 7.65 mauser"...   That's simply a damned lie.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #39 on: May 06, 2018, 04:14:48 PM »