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Author Topic: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence  (Read 27970 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2018, 10:25:04 PM »

 I am a little unclear on the last paragraph The WC is just asserting that the man was half sitting and ignoring the discrepancy while still ascribing the complete significance of a reliable ID of Oswald? Sounds about right

LBJ's Special Select Cover Up committee (aka The Warren Commission) knew full well that Howard Brennan was a key witness who had to be discredited...and those of you who sneer at Howard Brennan are playing right into the WC hands, just as they planned.

Howard Brennan had gave a a sworn affidavit about an hour after the coup d e'tat and in that affidavit he reported that the man he had seen with a "HIGH POWERED RIFLE"  ( aka hunting rifle) not an old military rifle, and the man was dressed in light colored khaki clothing.   Lee Oswald didn't even own any light colored khaki clothing.....and he certainly didn't own a big game hunting rifle.   

On that basis alone LBJ's cover up committe needed to discredut Howard Brennan....but in addition to Brennan describing a man who clearly was NOT Lee Oswald ...He also described the man as STANDING and aiming the hunting rifle ( He thought it could have been a 30-30 Winchester) out of a window that could NOT have been the SE corner window.....because that SE window was not open far enought tp allow a man to stand behind it and aim a rifle down onto Elm street.   

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #56 on: May 11, 2018, 10:25:04 PM »

Offline Ross Lidell

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #57 on: May 13, 2018, 11:43:53 PM »
Please, Ross.  These people either saw a man firing a rifle or they did not.  Why do you need to embellish the evidence to make your arguments?

Brennan said very specifically that he did not see the rifle discharge.

That's lying with vague statistics.  Two words:  Squeaky Fromme.

No, you're making claims that aren't true and trying to rationalize it with rhetoric -- which is pretty much par for the entire case against Oswald.

Still with the hair-splitting John!!!

You reveal a lack of "an honest search for the truth" in your absurd ripostes. There is a difference between a description that does not fit your idea of accuracy and intentionally making a deceitful statement.

Brennan said very specifically that he did not see the rifle discharge.

Brennan saw a man shooting. He provided a description to law enforcement in Dealey Plaza.

That's lying with vague statistics.  Two words:  Squeaky Fromme.

My statement about people assuming that an assassin would most likely be a man mentioned women circa 1963. The evil Ms Fromme attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975--more than a decade later than '63. Really John: you must be more accurate in your statements or people will accuse you of lying.

The fact is: Howard Brennan, Amos Euins and Bob Jackson saw "someone" shooting a rifle from an upper floor of the TSBD.

-- Brennan described a man.
-- Euins thought it was man.
-- Jackson would have assumed it was man*.

* All previous assassins (and those whom attempted assassinations) of US Presidents were men. Assassinating US President's was a "man" thing.

Man-up John and admit you are wrong.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2018, 11:28:37 PM »
Brennan told them that Lee Oswald WAS NOT the man.....(Brennan knew that before he went to the line up because he'd seen Lee on TV and knew that lee was not the man that he'd seen.)   The police tried to twist his arm and threaten him into putting the finger on Lee but he refused....The police became frustrated and wanted to know how he could be so certain that Lee wasn't the man and Brennan told them he knew that Lee was not the man because the man was dressed differently than Lee Oswald.   He said the man that he saw was wearing light colored khaki clothing but definitely not a suit.  The cops then told Brennan that Lee had gone home and changed his clothes...which was true ...but what the cops didn' ell Brennan was the fact that the clothes they had recovered wer NOT ligh colored khaki clothes.

Cool story, bro.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #58 on: May 14, 2018, 11:28:37 PM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #59 on: May 14, 2018, 11:36:57 PM »
Still with the hair-splitting John!!!

You reveal a lack of "an honest search for the truth" in your absurd ripostes. There is a difference between a description that does not fit your idea of accuracy and intentionally making a deceitful statement.

Brennan said very specifically that he did not see the rifle discharge.

Brennan saw a man shooting. He provided a description to law enforcement in Dealey Plaza.

No he didn't.  He said he saw a man taking aim with a rifle.  Even that much is doubtful, but if he didn't see a rifle discharge, he didn't see a man shooting.

My statement about people assuming that an assassin would most likely be a man mentioned women circa 1963.
The evil Ms Fromme attempted to assassinate President Gerald Ford in 1975--more than a decade later than '63. Really John: you must be more accurate in your statements or people will accuse you of lying.

Do you have some actual data that shows that people would assume in 1963 that an assassin would most likely be a man, or did you just pull that out of your azz?  It doesn't matter anyway.  Jackson either saw a man shooting a rifle or he did not.

And he did not.

Mr. JACKSON - Right here approximately. And as we heard the first shot, I believe it was Tom Dillard from the Dallas News who made some remark as to that sounding like a firecracker, and it could have been somebody else who said that. But someone else did speak up and make that comment and before he actually the sentence we heard the other two shots. Then we realized or we thought it was gunfire, and then we could not at that point see the President's car. We were still moving slowly, and after the third shot the second two shots seemed much closer together than the first shot, than they were to the first shot. Then after the last shot, I guess all of us were just looking all around and I just looked straight up ahead of me which would have been looking at the School Book Depository and I noticed two Negro men in a window straining to see directly above them, and my eyes followed right on up to the window above them and I saw the rifle, or what looked like a rifle approximately half of weapon, I guess I saw. and just looked at it, it was drawn fairly slowly back into the building, and I saw no one in the window with it. I didn't even see a form in the window.

You're wrong, Ross. Admit it.

Offline Ross Lidell

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #60 on: May 16, 2018, 03:29:05 AM »
No he didn't.  He said he saw a man taking aim with a rifle.  Even that much is doubtful, but if he didn't see a rifle discharge, he didn't see a man shooting.

Do you have some actual data that shows that people would assume in 1963 that an assassin would most likely be a man, or did you just pull that out of your azz?  It doesn't matter anyway.  Jackson either saw a man shooting a rifle or he did not.

And he did not.

Mr. JACKSON - Right here approximately. And as we heard the first shot, I believe it was Tom Dillard from the Dallas News who made some remark as to that sounding like a firecracker, and it could have been somebody else who said that. But someone else did speak up and make that comment and before he actually the sentence we heard the other two shots. Then we realized or we thought it was gunfire, and then we could not at that point see the President's car. We were still moving slowly, and after the third shot the second two shots seemed much closer together than the first shot, than they were to the first shot. Then after the last shot, I guess all of us were just looking all around and I just looked straight up ahead of me which would have been looking at the School Book Depository and I noticed two Negro men in a window straining to see directly above them, and my eyes followed right on up to the window above them and I saw the rifle, or what looked like a rifle approximately half of weapon, I guess I saw. and just looked at it, it was drawn fairly slowly back into the building, and I saw no one in the window with it. I didn't even see a form in the window.

You're wrong, Ross. Admit it.

No he didn't.  He said he saw a man taking aim with a rifle.  Even that much is doubtful, but if he didn't see a rifle discharge, he didn't see a man shooting.

Silly... actually ultra-silly hairsplitting John. How often do shooters "take aim" and not "pull the trigger"... which means shoot.

Do you have some actual data that shows that people would assume in 1963 that an assassin would most likely be a man, or did you just pull that out of your azz?  It doesn't matter anyway.  Jackson either saw a man shooting a rifle or he did not.

I don't need data John... just knowledge and understanding "the way it was back then".

So Euins and Jackson saw "a person" firing a rifle from the TSBD. A rifle does not fire itself John.

In 1963, the notion that the shooter would have been a woman was incredibly unlikely. The average witness would have assumed it was a man. It turned out to be a man.

You have not responded to my noting your error positing Squeaky Fromme as an example of a female assassin before 1963.... though her attempted crime occurred in 1975.

I'm keen to know John: were you honestly mistaken or lying?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #60 on: May 16, 2018, 03:29:05 AM »

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #61 on: May 16, 2018, 08:54:10 PM »
Silly... actually ultra-silly hairsplitting John. How often do shooters "take aim" and not "pull the trigger"... which means shoot.

You're equating assuming something happened" with seeing something happen which is highly dishonest.

And yes, people take aim without taking the shot all the time.  Are you serious?  Go talk to some hunters.

I don't need data John... just knowledge and understanding "the way it was back then".

In other words you completely made it up.

You have not responded to my noting your error positing Squeaky Fromme as an example of a female assassin before 1963.... though her attempted crime occurred in 1975.

I never said that Squeaky Fromme was an example of a female assassin before 1963.  But I'm curious to know exactly how your made up "the way is was back then" was so radically altered between 1963 and 1975.

Offline Ross Lidell

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #62 on: May 16, 2018, 09:44:35 PM »
You're equating assuming something happened" with seeing something happen which is highly dishonest.

And yes, people take aim without taking the shot all the time.  Are you serious?  Go talk to some hunters.

In other words you completely made it up.

I never said that Squeaky Fromme was an example of a female assassin before 1963.  But I'm curious to know exactly how your made up "the way is was back then" was so radically altered between 1963 and 1975.

I don't need to explain what happened between 1963 and 1975. My statement that assassins of US Presidents were overwhelmingly likely to be males in 1963 was based on the historical record since 1865 (Booth/Lincoln).

Aaaagh... there were shots being fired in Dealey Plaza when Euins and Jackson saw a rifle.
There were shots being fired when Brennan saw a man aiming a rifle.
Your argument that the rifle seen by Euins, Jackson and Brennan was only aimed but not fired is absurd.

You named Squeaky Fromme as an example of a female assassin to counter my point that in 1963 people would assume that an assassin was a man. Fromme did not try to kill President Gerald Ford until 1975 (12 years later). Let's agree that you "implied" that Squeaky Fromme's attempt to assassinate President Ford (1975) proved that my statement about "people assuming that assassins were males" was wrong. You accused me of being a liar. Using the same parameters: your implied statement utilizing Fromme as an example was either an error or a lie. Which was it John... an error or a lie?

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2018, 10:47:32 PM »
I don't need to explain what happened between 1963 and 1975. My statement that assassins of US Presidents were overwhelmingly likely to be males in 1963 was based on the historical record since 1865 (Booth/Lincoln).

And therefore somebody who saw a rifle (or a projection) saw a man firing it whether they actually did or not?  Really?

Aaaagh... there were shots being fired in Dealey Plaza when Euins and Jackson saw a rifle.
There were shots being fired when Brennan saw a man aiming a rifle.
Your argument that the rifle seen by Euins, Jackson and Brennan was only aimed but not fired is absurd.

That's not my argument -- that's your strawman.  You said "several witnesses saw a man firing a rifle from the TSBD".  The amount of gymnastics you're doing to try to rhetorically justify that is amazing.  No, Ross, you're wrong.  Brennan didn't see a man firing a rifle.  Jackson did not see a man at all.  He said so.

It doesn't matter what you guess that 1963 people would assume.  Jackson did NOT see a man firing a rifle.  And no amount of gymnastics will change the fact that Jackson said "I saw no one in the window".  And it's mind boggling that you would try to claim otherwise.

You named Squeaky Fromme as an example of a female assassin to counter my point that in 1963 people would assume that an assassin was a man. Fromme did not try to kill President Gerald Ford until 1975 (12 years later). Let's agree that you "implied" that Squeaky Fromme's attempt to assassinate President Ford (1975) proved that my statement about "people assuming that assassins were males" was wrong. You accused me of being a liar. Using the same parameters: your implied statement utilizing Fromme as an example was either an error or a lie. Which was it John... an error or a lie?

I'm not responsible for what you think I implied.  You are a liar, because you said "several witnesses saw a man firing a rifle from the TSBD", and continue to defend that in spite of all evidence to the contrary.  It's not splitting hairs -- it's called being truthful.  If you can't even tell the truth about the evidence, then where does that leave you?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Three Tests Proved Oswald's Innocence
« Reply #63 on: May 16, 2018, 10:47:32 PM »