There's a jiggle at around Z293 that is just as strong. Why do you disregard that one?
No, the jiggle at z227, corresponding to z221-z222, had a peak of 2.6.
The jiggle at z291 had a peak of 2.1.
The jiggle at z296 had a peak of 1.7.
Of the seven strongest jiggles before z324:
** four of them correspond with the JFK starting to pass behind the sign. It is known that filming an object that disappears behind another object in the foreground causes camera jiggles similar to those caused by loud noises.
** One jiggle, strength 3.7, was at z318, which corresponds to z312-z313.
** One jiggle, strength 2.6, was at z227, which corresponds to z221-z222.
** One jiggle, strength 2.4, was at z158-z150, which corresponds to z152-z154.
Maybe it?s just another coincidence, but one would expect the camera jiggles, caused by a rifle report from the TSBD SN, to get stronger and stronger, as the rifle gets pointed more and more in Mr. Zapruder?s general direction, can gets louder and louder, with each shot.
**** Based on the HSCA study by Dr. William Hartmann, as listed in the book ?The JFK Myths? by Larry SPersonivan, page 305.
What makes you think she's looking at the TSBD?
Maybe she wasn?t. Maybe she had her eyes closed. But the Zapruder film shows her coming to a stop and staring in that direction for at least two seconds. She might not have been looking at the TSBD but her head remained pointed in that direction.
Connally said that the first shot he heard struck the president.
No. He said he heard the first shot. And felt the second shot go through his chest. He could not tell if the President was struck by the first shot or the second, because he never remembers seeing him. And if the SBT was true, it happened as a result of the second bullet, not the first.
Connally not seeing the President, at least until well after he was clearly wounded, is confirmed by the Zapruder film.
It was his wife who insisted that she saw the President get wounded, then saw her husband get wounded. The only problem is that the Zapruder film shows that she was looking at neither man until after both were clearly wounded.
At times, Connally would agree with his wife. If she saw the President gets shot first and then her husband gets shot second, then it must be true. It is never good to disagree with your wife when you don?t have to. But when talking of his own memory, he couldn?t say if the President was wounded by the first or second shot, because he didn?t see him during the shooting.
See an index to the Warren Commission witnesses: