Well, presuming Harold Norman was telling the truth, and did hear 3 shots in about 5 seconds, and combining that with CBS shooter experiment, NONE OF THEM were able to hit ANY targets on their 1st attempt, even without boxes in the way, and foreknowledge of target track and red on black background target, ALL MISSED on their 1st attempt.. NOT A SINGLE HIT???
Yet the WC wants us to believe Oswald without even having the advantages the CBS shooters had, was able to hit 2 of 3 shots, even AS HE MOVED from sitting on the box, taking one shot standing up, and then somehow in about 3 more seconds got off 2 shots that BOTH hit, one of which was head shot. ON HIS 1ST ATTEMPT!!!!
The shots that 2 expert military snipers said were impossible after seeing the 6th story SN, the boxes and the type rifle, the MC bolt action rifle.
But maybe Betzner and Willis are simply wrong, and both of them are mistaking 2nd shot for the 1st shot they both heard, Betzner hearing it just after his photo at Z186, and Willis, right at when he snapped his photo at Z 205.
So the WC knows the 5 seconds is out, and so they HAVE to spread the shots out at least to about 8 seconds to make it plausible. So they discount most of the ear witness, , like Norman and Lee Bowers, whom demonstrated 3 shots in less than 5 seconds, and in Bowers case, 2 shots within 1 sec apart.
The WC theory supporters will say Harold Norman is right, 3 shots fired, but wrong, 3 shots fired in less than 5 sec as Norman demonstrated. Betzner is wrong and simply missed hearing a shot prior to his Z186 photo. And Willis is wrong, and must be mistaking a shot heard also, prior to Z186 as a shot at Z223, even though Willis said the 1st shot he heard was nearly simultaneous with his photo taken at Z205.
Otherwise, 3 shots were fired between Z195 to Z313, of which the spacing between shot 1 and shot 2 is only 1 second apart, since Z223 is NOT the shot which caused Willis to snap his photo, so it HAS to be a shot BEFORE Z 223, but NOT BEFORE, Z186, because Betzner heard nothing until AFTER he took photo at Z186. Nor did Willis hear a shot before Z186 either, hearing only the 1st shot of 3 shots he heard, beginning at Z205.
And Charles Brehm. The WW2 combat veteran. Doesnt react until after Z313. Seriously??? A guy who said he heard all 3 shots, but he did NOT EVEN MOVE to protect his son, during the first 2 shots? A combat veteran would KNOW gun shots RIGHT?? But Brehm does not react??? WTF??
And the woman walking across the green, TWO SHOTS ALREADY FIRED.. LOUD NOISES.. the woman is completely oblivous.. doesnt even react until the head shot at Z313... Same with the 3 men on the stairs. no reaction until the head shot.
Even the JFK limo occupants, Jackie, Connally, Greer, Kellerman, seem oblivious until the head shot. They seem like people who have NOT actually heard 2 shots fired, but are only observing the EFFECT of those 2 shots, which is JFK slumping, and Gov Connally laying back.
Even the SS agent Clint Hill who was keeping his eye on JFK , does not seem to be exactly sure what has happened, even though 2 shots have been fired by Z255. If the WC believers are suggesting that the 1st shot was fired before Z186, then why are no SS agents looking back, even as late as Z207?

Surely they should have reacted to noise coming from behind at Z 160, or Z 150.. But no... they remain looking forward all the way to Z207.. very strange.