Altgens said:
I made one picture at the time I heard a noise that sounded like a firecracker--I did not know it was a shot, but evidently my picture, as I recall, and it was almost simultaneously with the shot? the shot was just a fraction ahead of my picture, but that much---of course at that time I figured it was nothing more than a firecracker, because from my position down here the sound was not of such volume that it would indicate to me it was a high-velocity rifle.
Altgens said his picture was taken almost simultaneously with the first shot. That alone make it sound like the two events were almost together, within a second of each other.
In addition, he clarifies this (with a mistake) by saying it was just a fraction ahead of his picture.
1. What kind of units is Altgens talking about when he said ?fraction?. Units of weight? Units of Length? It?s units of time, correct?
2. What unit of time would he be referring to? A fraction of a minute? A fraction of a fortnight? It has to be a fraction of a second, right?
People, particularly if they are a little nervous, making an official statement in front of others, often skip words. While Altgens didn?t say ?fraction of a second?, that has to be what he meant. The shot occurred with a fraction, almost simultaneously with his picture, just like the pictures taken by Betzner and Willis. But we know those pictures were all spread of several seconds, so one of them, perhaps all three, were wrong.
All three were right. That is correct, he pictures were spread over the very small time of several seconds and that is what their statements indicate, before the shot, at the time of the shot, and after the shot.
These eyewitnesses, including James Altgens, all state the same thing. The only issue being raised seems to be Altgen's choice of words in trying to describe how quick the whole assassination took place, not whether the shot took place before he took the picture.
Obviously the main issue with eyewitness statements is the fact they do not support the idea there was an early missed shot in any form. The theory there was an early missed shot is what is wrong not the witnesses. The time frame of the assassination was approximately five seconds and the cycle time of the carcano was 2.3 seconds and the mechanics of the assassination need to be explained with those parameters in mind.