Referring to this portion of Phil Willis's testimony: "when the first shot was fired, she turned to the right toward him and he more or less slumped forward" ....
I think seeing the Z226-228 slump would be considered witnessing a "hit" (or the reaction to a bullet strike).
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you think that the President had been hit by the first shot?
Mr. WILLIS. I didn't really know, sir.
Mr. LIEBELER. You couldn't tell whether he was hit by the first shot? You couldn't tell whether he had been hit by the first shot or the second shot or the third shot, or by how many shots he had been hit?
Mr. WILLIS. No, sir.
From the Clay Shaw Trial:
Q: Mr. Willis, did you have occasion to see any affect
that any shot may have had on any occupants in the
Presidential limousine?
A: Honestly, no, sir, because I was trying to use the view
finder for the camera and I was more interested in getting
the whole car than focusing on an individual. I did not.
I'm pretty sure his view to the President would be blocked by the Z220s. I think more of the Secret Service limousine would be between Willis and Kennedy by then.
So if Willis in his testimony is describing that he witnessed a non-hit "slump" prior to taking his Z202 slide, it could be this.
Willis would have seen this small forward slump from behind, and so would not know the President was smiling and not distressed. The animation is slowed.
Willis heard the sound of the bullet strike JFK the same as Garland Slack referenced. He heard bullet impact JFK with the first shot. A bullet impacting flesh is a very definite sound and as a war veteran he probably knew the sound well.
Willis FBI Affidavit June 18, 1964:
"Willis advised that at just about the same time that the limousine carrying President Kennedy was opposite the Stemmons Freeway road sign he heard a loud report and knew immediately it was a rifle shot and knew also the shot "had hit." He stated he exclaimed "Someone is shooting at him," meaning President Kennedy. About two seconds later, he heard another rifle shot which also hit as did the third shot which came approximately two seconds later."
Garland Slack
VOLUNTARY STATEMENT. Not Under Arrest Form No. 86
Before me, the undersigned authority, on this the 22nd day of November A.D. 1963 personally appeared Garland Glenwill Slack, Address: 4130 Deely [sp?] St., Dallas, Age 59, Phone No. EV 1 2950
Deposes and says:
Today, I was standing on Houston Street, just below the window to Sheriff Decker's office waiting for the parade. I was standing there when the President's car passed and just after they rounded the corner from Houston onto Elm Street, I heard a report and I knew at once it was a high-powered rifle shot. I am a [cross-out] big game hunter and am familiar with the sound of hi [sic] powered rifles and
I knew when I heard the retort [sic] that the shot had hit something. Within a [cross-out] few seconds I heard another retort [sic] and knew it also had hit something and all I could see was the highly colored hat that Mrs. Kennedy had on. I couldn't see anything else. I was so sick that I went back to my office but after thinking it over, I came back as a citizen to offer my statement if it could help in any way. During the time I was standing there I did look up into the building where the Texas Book Depository is and saw some people, maybe 12 or 14, hanging out of windows, but I didn't see anyone with a gun.
When the sound of this shot came, it sounded to me like this shot came from away back or from within a building. I have heard this same sort of sound when a shot has come from within a cave, as I have been on many big game hunts.
/s/ G. G. Slack
Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the 22nd day of Nov A. D. 1963