If you are trying to find bullet damage in Altgens 6 you won't. According to Altgens there was definitely only one shot to that point. According to Tague himself, Tague was struck on the cheek on the second shot. According to SBT adherents, damage could only have occurred on the third shot.
It is not much but it is certainly interesting that there appears to be a difference in the orientation of the rearview mirror between Altgens #6 and Altgens #7.
The four identical horizontal lines on Altgens 6 show that the car and the mirror are horizontally aligned:
It is a bit more difficult to find the car horizontal in Altgens 7 because the car is accelerating as it negotiates the left to right curve and Clint Hill has jumped on the left rear. Both of these things push the car down toward the left rear.
But it does seem that there is a marked difference between the orientation of the mirror between Altgens 6 and Altgens 7