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Author Topic: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo  (Read 99350 times)

Offline Susan Wilde

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Re: No Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2018, 03:35:51 PM »
There was  no  through-and-through bullet caused hole in the limousine's front  windshield.

Discovered  the following within the  truly  excellent website,  "Men of Courage: President Kennedy-elimination" ( page 8 )  provided by  long time researcher  Donald Roberdeau


Here is the precisely scaled diagram of the Presidential limousine that details
for us the windshield and the bullet fragment-caused windshield glass impacted
defect precise location that was only in the inside glass surface....
click the frame to expand it into a larger, sharper, follow-up window
(Thank You and Hat Tip to Jerry Organ for the limousine?s scaled, basic diagram)

= A windshield bullet fragment-caused glass defect that was not
a through-and-through hole, but, instead, a bullet fragment
had only impacted only onto the inside surface of the
windshield?s glass.

This diagram details precisely where that glass defect
was documented to be located at 12:30 PM on 11-22-63
(just seconds after the volleys of shots ended) when
James Altgens captured his 7th photo, and, the same, exact
location for the defect is also documented in photos
captured minutes later at Parkland Hospital?s emergency
entrance bay, and, as clearly seen in F.B.I. photos
captured about 12 hours later in the White House garage.

This diagram also details where President Kennedy and
Governor Connally?s heads were each precisely located at
the Z-206 instant of the attack during the volley?s of shots,
when President Kennedy is documented in the Zapruder
film to have ALREADY rapidly snapped his head an ultrafast 87
degrees within only 0.16 of a second that was, more than likely,
in his very first immediate reaction to just having been impacted
by a bullet.

The diagram above proves, very simply, and, very precisely, exactly why President Kennedy could not have been struck in the front of his throat by a bullet fired from his left front, that a few persons theorize passed-through a (never-existing) windshield hole.?

= If a hot bullet had been fired from President Kennedy?s front-left,
then, passed through the windshield (without the windshield deflecting
its path, AND, without the hot bullet size being deformed into a larger size **),
that bullet, simply, would have had to enter into Governor Connally first!....

= Entering Connally in either his head?s front left-half, his neck, or hitting
him in his much larger front upper-chest, front left shoulder, or left side!
(None of which were ever impacted)

** Along with CONNALLY located directly in-between the windshield glass defect and JFK, bullets tests have documented and revealed that a hot bullet (and all bullets are extremely hot metal) passing through the multiple-layers laminated glass of the windshield would have also, surely, deformed any hot bullet in its size and shape while the hot bullet impacted with, then, passed through multiple-layers of reinforced glass while impacting through each of those reinforced layers. These impacts-caused deformations onto a hot bullet directly causing size and shape distortions of the bullet most likely would not match doctor PERRY?s very clear description of JFK?s neck front, very small, round wound with very clean edges and a mere 3 to 5 millimeters in width as doctor PERRY described to President KENNEDY's autopsy doctor HUMES within 1 day of the assassination. (and later examinations revealed no laminated glass fragments nor any bullet metal fragments were present in the neck front wound, nor JFK?s shirt, nor the slightly-nicked-by-something oval damage clearly visible on his neck tie knot?s left side outer layer, nor on his neck, nor on his face, nor was there any glass fragments ever found on the front of JFK?s suit coat, nor found on anyone else in the limousine)
click the frame to expand it into an extremely larger, sharper, follow-up window

The Altgens # 7 photo above was snapped by the very closeby witness Ike Altgens within seconds after the volleys of assassination shots ended. This photo again confirms the exact same location of the front window defect....a window defect that is only indented on the inside surface of the windshield.
click the frame to expand it into a larger, sharper, follow-up window

For an added exact location comparison of the windshield inside surface defect (along with nearby blood drops spatter and brain matter scatter on the windshield's inside surface), the windshield inside surface defect was also documented and confirmed in the exact same Altgens # 7 photo windshield location as its location when the windshield inside surface defect was photographed about 12 hours after the assassination in the White House garage, seen here, in photo CE-350

Here is the clear, very close-up photo of Warren Commission exhibit CE-350 documented on 11-22-63 hours after Dallas looking from the front, outside of the windshield detailing the glass surface dented, small bullet fragment impact defect that was impacted on the inside windshield surface, only, never resulting in an open, nor any rounded, full bullet hole
click the frame to expand it into a larger, sharper, follow-up window

?Eternal Return: A Hole Through the Windshield??
by Barb Junkkarinen, Jerry Logan, Josiah Thompson

(end quote)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2018, 07:39:40 PM by Susan Wilde »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: No Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #48 on: May 12, 2018, 03:35:51 PM »

Offline Matt Grantham

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #49 on: May 12, 2018, 04:05:27 PM »
 Maybe. However that conclusion of yours is not the only significant question raised on the thread. I thought I saw a lose up that looked a little different than the one available here Clearly some of the other photographs from official souurces look completely different than the originals

Offline Allan Fritzke

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2018, 12:52:17 AM »
OK CTs, let's say there was a bullet hole in the windshield.

I guess that means we have more altered/falsified/faked photos to expose.

It also means that the windshield assassin would probably be located somewhere atop the underpass or in that vicinity. Yet to my knowledge none was seen.

It also means that glass shards would be expected to be showered into the limo and upon it's occupants. I don't believe any glass shards were reported.

It also means that CTs should be prepared to attempt to explain what happened to the bullet that passed through the windshield.

The photo Altgens took when the limousine was beside him has been removed.  He took an earlier picture and a later picture.   The other one had to be removed because it was telling of what was going on.   He was a paid AP reporter that should have clicked the shutter.  He either didn't or it was conveniently removed.   His account also does not mention the President's head going back in the seat.   Total none sense!   Although he did see the head move forward at Z313! 

Again, there was one guy rolling in the grass next to the limousine.  The best shot comes from the front direct in line with JFK.   Glass shards reflect light and that is what you see happening in the Zapruder Film at Z329.    You also see the driver's reaction to the oncoming bullet as his head moves towards the windshield during the sequence.   One big coverup is the best way to describe the scene and why the car was whisked away and and had a windshield replaced.   Rock chips from a gravel road lol!

Just have a close look at Z336 and you can't help but see film modification.  Is the golden nugget you see Jacqueline's dress or his brain?  You can clearly see his ear in Z336 and you can see the arm of her dress at the same time.  Head had to have been removed in that frame!   Seeing an ear and no head in front means extreme editing!  It doesn't take rocket science to analyze one frame like that!  Is that not her pink shoulder in front of the  hair/ear where you would expect to see a head instead?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #50 on: June 12, 2018, 12:52:17 AM »

Online Zeon Mason

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2018, 01:50:04 AM »
so no mention of a "crack" in the windshield either in the notes where "no bullet hole" found

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2018, 04:50:14 AM »
    Medical student Evalea Glanges: "There was a bullet hole in the windshield", a through and through bullet hole from front to back .

Glanges story is that she was outside with another student, and walked up to the limousine to touch what she described as a "clean hole" though the windshield. She said that as soon as she did, a Secret Service agent jumped into the car and drove it away so fast it almost took her arm off.

Here's the problem. Maybe more than one.

There were a number of news photographers standing around outside of Parkland. Without any other story to chase they took photos of the limousine and the crowd that rapidly assembled near the ER entrance.  For about an hour or two, the limo was the most photographed vehicle on the planet. Robin Unger's collection has at least a dozen of those photographs, which can be rearranged in rough chronological order using the progress of the removal of the bubble top from the car's trunk and its subsequent installation on the car. The earliest photos show a group of people standing against the outside wall of the ER in front of the bumper, with a somewhat corpulent woman in a flower-print dress most prominent among the group. It's a nice dress, BTW.  A photo taken shortly later shows that group scattering, with the floral-print dress beating what looks to be a hasty retreat out of frame to the left. From then on, the limo is surrounded by Official-Looking-Guys-In-Suits, with spectators staying a respectful 12-15 feet away. That was the security cordon placed around the car.  You think Glanges really penetrated it?

Also in the parking lot were any number of reporters who, like Richard Dudman, couldn't find a story in the hospital and went outside. A sudden, dangerous altercation between the car and a med student would have gone down right in front of them and their camera-wielding counterparts. Yet no one mentioned such a thing.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2018, 04:50:14 AM »

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2018, 04:59:39 AM »
Secret Service Agent Charles Taylor, Jr.

Wrote a report on November 27, 1963 in which he detailed his activities providing security for the limousine immediately after the car?s return to Washington following the assassination. The JFK limousine and the Secret Service follow-up car known as the ?Queen Mary? arrived at Andrews AFB aboard a C-130 propeller-driven cargo plane at about 8:00 PM on November 22, 1963. Agent Taylor rode in the Presidential limousine as it was driven from Andrews AFB to the White House garage at 22nd and M Streets, N.W. In his report about what he witnessed inside the White House garage during the vehicle?s inspection, he wrote: ?In addition, of particular note was the small hole just left of center in the windshield from which what appeared to be bullet fragments were removed.?

[David Lifton, Best Evidence.1988 Edition pp 370-371]

Taylor was riding in the passenger seat. At night he may not have had the best view. In any case, his described a "small hole."

just for reference, this is what a bullet hole through auto safety glass looks like:


Do you think you'd describe that simply as a "small hole?"

Add to this Altgens 7 which shows something looking a lot like a bullet hole in t
he windshield you seem to have pretty solid evidence of a bullet hole Yet the WC is completely silent in regard to the windshield?

They asked Kellerman and/or Greer a number of questions about it. It's in their testimony. Might have asked a few more as well.

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2018, 05:01:05 AM »
Yeah, they could have just called "Safelite repair, Safelite replace".   ::)

Six witnesses said there was a through and through hole, but they were all mistaken because . . .


IIRC, that's basically what FoMoCo's WH liason did.

Online Mitch Todd

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Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2018, 05:10:30 AM »
Why was the windshield removed in the 1st place? Wasn't it crucial crime scene evidence that should have been left in situ? Aren't you supposed to preserve evidence instead of obliterate or tamper with it in any way? And didn't the SS and FBI know any of this before they tampered with it? Of course they did. No one would be that incompetent, unless...

They did preserve it. It was replaced on the 26th and now sits in the National Archives.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Bullet hole in windshield on JFK's Limo
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2018, 05:10:30 AM »