Iacoletti arrives at The Gates of Hell
'I did not see THIS coming' he moans
Satan appears, with Oswald in tow
Iacoletti: LEE? What are YOU doing here?
Oswald: I killed Kennedy and Tippit.
Iacoletti: No you didn't! YOU'RE LYING!
LOL. Here's another.
Scene: Dishonest John in Hell. John Wilkes Booth appears.
DJ: You assassinated Lincoln.
Booth: Prove it.
DJ: It was your pistol.
Booth: Booth's pistol? LOL.
DJ: Lots of people saw you shoot Lincoln.
Booth: You made that up. They heard a loud bang and looked in my direction to see me pointing an object "made of wood" at Lincoln's head. It was only their "opinion" that I shot him.
DJ: You fled the scene.
Booth: Wrong again. I was just an actor at my place of employment and thought the play was over. I suppose an actor jumping onto stage is evidence they just assassinated the president? That highlights the weakness of your "circumstantial" case.
DJ: But your own handwritten diary confirms that you did it.
Booth: Don't you know that handwriting analysis is not scientific? Just ask Hidell.