Despite your excuses, the fact remains that the lineups were unfair and biased.
“Oswald and his weapons”. LOL.
“Oswald and his weapons”. LOL.
This might be humorous if it wasn't such a despicable attempt to bias the ignorant....
This bold statement of "Oswald and his weapons".... was made even worse when LIFE published the back yard photo ( CE 133A) on the cover of it's Feburary 21st 1964 issue.....Right beside the greatly enlarged photo of Lee holding a Mannlicher Carcano and wearing a revolver on his hip they posted the words....
"Lee Oswald with the weapons he used to kill President Kennedy and officer Tippit "The unknowing, ignorant, and trusting public had no way of knowing that they were being duped .....and there was no solid proof that supported the bold statement that they published on the cover of LIFE.
And that LIFE magazine which was prominently displayed, like a huge wanted poster, on news stands across the country was very influential in duping us unsuspecting suckers.