Walt, asking Chapman for his fascinations is like asking Gremlins what they want to eat after midnight....
Please don't go there!
Yes, that was foolish of me.....
I should have followed through with my train of thought here....
When was the photo of the evidence taken? Has anybody seen documentation for the time and date of the photo?
Since on SaPersonay morning the FBI reported that ...."The latent prints appearing in the photograph taken of the rifle K1 by the Dallas Police department are too fragmentary and indistinct to be of any value for identification purposes. Photographs of this weapon taken by this bureau also failed to produce prints of sufficient legibility for comparison purposes."
That means they had the evidence in their possession on SaPersonay 11 /23 /63 .... So the evidence had to have been released to them prior to SaPersonay morning.... And item number 14 on the evidence inventory list is the "Partial palm print off underside of gunbarrel near end of foregrip" c2766.
Yesterday I noticed something I hadn't seen before....On the Original evidence list "A" at the very bottom of the sheet it says....
"Paraffin test on Oswald, was positive on both hands and negative on face." But on the altered evidence inventory list "B" that entry has been eliminated..... I wonder ...WHY? any idea?