Or Alyea (or Kritzberg) may have just been wrong.
But you didn’t answer the question. What possible reason would there be for Day, Drain, and Latona to all lie about sending and receiving the card later and separately from the other evidence?
They were forced to convict Lee Oswald.... He had been murdered while in their custody....They wouldn't dare to have let the pissants know that Lee Oswald was NOT the assassin..... They wanted the pissants to believe that Lee Harrrrrvey Ossssswald was the back shootin killer who deserved being lynched, just as Jack Ruby also thought.
Think about it..... What might have happened if someone had stepped up and said " Lee Oswald couldn't have been the assassin because I was with Lee Oswald in a backroom of the TSBD Just a couple of minutes before the shooting.....I left Lee there in the shipping room just after Junior Jarman and Shorty Norman climbed aboard the elevator .
Or some such unshakable alibi...... that would have cleared Lee..... Can you imagine the screams for justice for JFK and LHO???
It would definitely have been a "national security" problem ....