Mitch Are you saying recording the time of events such as these are not significant, or the difficulty in establishing them is unduly difficult?
First off, the arrest is self-evident, no matter how accurate the cops' reports are at recording when it went down. I get this vibe that someone wants to argue that somehow Oswald wasn't actually arrested at the Texas Theatre based on some faulty time stamping. I've already sarcasticised all over some other poor soul over this.
Second, how accurate do you expect them to be? Did the cops think to look at their watch during the arrest? I kinda doubt it. They had other things to do.
Plus, there's something else to remember, and it's good to remember no matter what part of the assassination you study. 1963 was in an era before clocks automatically set themselves to super-accurate stratum 1 time sources via radio. It was also before quartz movement timekeeping made it out of the R&D lab. In those days you were lucky or rich if you had a watch that didn't lose a couple of minutes a day. In fact, it's reasonable to assume that any clock in those days could be as much as 5 minutes of of sync with UTC, and any two clocks could be as much as ten minutes apart. People either forget that, or never lived in such primitive conditions. BTW, I was always told that's the underlying reason for the old advice to be 10 minutes early to any appointment. You never knew when the other guy's watch was five minutes fast, and yours was 5 minutes slow.