Explain why Hill would think that a shooter used an automatic to fire .38 Special REVOLVER cartridges. Why would this even cross his mind?
Already answered that question earlier in the thread. But I guess there's always that 3% that just don't get the word.
Decades later, Hill would claim that he thought the shells were from an automatic because of the way they were scattered about on the ground.
I personally think there was more to it than that. The transmission saying the suspect was armed with a ".32 dark finish automatic" occurred
before Hill's broadcast, so someone was talking about seeing an automatic pistol before Hill called it in. By the time Hill grabs the mic, he has in his head:
1.) Witness descriptions of a single gunman, but no more.
2.) A description of the killer's gun as a .32 automatic.
3.) .38 special (and only .38 special) casings.
I doubt that anyone can tell exactly the caliber of the pistol from 20+ feet, and I suspect that Hill would be prone to thinking the same way. So Hill has one gunman, an automatic, and .38 special cases. It doesn't take rocket science to mix that all together and get a gunman armed with an automatic that shoots .38 special.
Then explain why the WC didn't claim the same thing.
Did the WC even address that as an issue?
Finally, explain why the second dispatch said a .32 automatic was used.
The witness behind the .32 auto is generally held to be Ted Callaway, though I don't remember exactly what his rationale was. However, the gun was across the street from him, about 40' away, so I don't think I'd bet my life on the description being particularly accurate.