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Author Topic: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer  (Read 503875 times)

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #776 on: December 26, 2018, 01:20:16 AM »
'... Oswald's revolver, to the exclusion of every other weapon in the world.'

Seems Dirty Harvey* had a rather exclusive kind of day, overall... what with the exclusive revolver, the exclusive Carcano, and the exclusive 'global positioning' (if you will) that had him being positively identified as the only person on the face of the planet at the scene during both murders.

*'Smith, Wesson... and Lee'

Could it be that Oswald did indeed empty the six shells and decided to scatter them as he made his way from the scene. ?

NO!...Not if you read the reports of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving the scene.    ALL of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving after the murder said that he REMOVED one shell at a time as he walked away.

And I would add....If Lee had held any shells in his hand his PALM would have tested positive for gun powder residue, but only one component of gunpowder ( nitrate) was found on his hand.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #776 on: December 26, 2018, 01:20:16 AM »

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #777 on: December 26, 2018, 01:27:13 AM »
You?re mistaken, Bill.
Doesn't matter. This guy never errors...just ask him.
Mrs Markham testified that the time of the Tippit shooting must have been at 1:06 or 1:07.
Of that she seemed certain.
Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1.
Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you?
Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15.
Mr. BALL. So it was before 1:15?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, it was.
The Commission decided that Markham must have been mistaken. Oswald could not possibly have arrived that soon.
However, support for that time came from a Mr T F Bowley whose affidavit CE 2003 appears on the page below --scroll down 7 pages or so to page 11 where he [looking at his watch] gave the time of his seeing the police car, the dead cop, and the crowd gathering as 1:10.
The cover-up committee made no effort to further investigate the time of the shooting. 

Offline Jerry Freeman

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #778 on: December 26, 2018, 02:00:38 AM »
I believe I have correctly corrected the statement------
Joseph Nicol (Superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for the State of Illinois) along with Cortlandt Cunningham, Robert Frazier and Charles Killion (of the Firearms Identification Unit of the FBI Laboratory in Washington D.C.) each examined the shells that are claimed to have been found at the Tippit scene and this certain revolver, which was  ordered from Seaport Traders, Inc.  Each of these experts determined that the shells were linked (through ballistics) to this certain revolver. 
I can believe that statement.  The other words were superfluous.. purely meant to convey redundant incrimination of Lee Oswald. Did these guys actually examine every shell from every revolver in the world? 

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #778 on: December 26, 2018, 02:00:38 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #779 on: December 26, 2018, 02:25:59 AM »

Could it be that Oswald did indeed empty the six shells and decided to scatter them as he made his way from the scene. ?

NO!...Not if you read the reports of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving the scene.    ALL of the witnesses who saw the killer leaving after the murder said that he REMOVED one shell at a time as he walked away.

And I would add....If Lee had held any shells in his hand his PALM would have tested positive for gun powder residue, but only one component of gunpowder ( nitrate) was found on his hand.

WTF are you talking about? I didn't say anything about the shells (but I'll go with what the witnesses testified to, since they were at the scene). Maybe you meant to be addressing BillB...?

For the record, I was simply remarking on the exclusive nature of Oswald's day.

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #780 on: December 26, 2018, 07:07:13 AM »
(but I'll go with what the witnesses testified to, since they were at the scene).

...except when you don?t. Gorillas playing basketball and all that.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #780 on: December 26, 2018, 07:07:13 AM »

Offline Bill Chapman

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #781 on: December 26, 2018, 06:09:33 PM »
...except when you don?t. Gorillas playing basketball and all that.

Another drive-by, vacuous post by Cryin' Johnny the Gaslighter :'(

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #782 on: December 26, 2018, 08:27:32 PM »
I believe I have correctly corrected the statement------
Joseph Nicol (Superintendent of the Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation for the State of Illinois) along with Cortlandt Cunningham, Robert Frazier and Charles Killion (of the Firearms Identification Unit of the FBI Laboratory in Washington D.C.) each examined the shells that are claimed to have been found at the Tippit scene and this certain revolver, which was  ordered from Seaport Traders, Inc.  Each of these experts determined that the shells were linked (through ballistics) to this certain revolver. 
I can believe that statement.  The other words were superfluous.. purely meant to convey redundant incrimination of Lee Oswald. Did these guys actually examine every shell from every revolver in the world? 

 each examined the shells that are claimed to have been found at the Tippit scene[

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #783 on: December 26, 2018, 09:03:20 PM »
Another drive-by, vacuous post by Cryin' Johnny the Gaslighter :'(

Says Chapman in another drive-by, vacuous post.

But at least it wasn't plagiarized from Bugliosi this time.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #783 on: December 26, 2018, 09:03:20 PM »