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Author Topic: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer  (Read 507793 times)

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2104 on: May 11, 2021, 08:22:05 PM »
No. We've been over this before. Callaway never said that.

He said he last saw the man "going west on Jefferson Street". From Patton, where he was, he had plain sight of Jefferson as there was no obstruction. There was no reason for him to just stand there and wait until the man turned the corner and then run ("a good hard run") to the scene. It makes no sense and simply didn't happen. Why the desperation to stretch out the time Callaway needed after the shots to get to the crime scene. We are literally seconds here, for crying out loud.

But even if true, Oswald running down Patton one block and Callaway running the same block the opposite direction doesn't take more than three minutes, which is exactly period of time you said previously, when you had Callaway at the patrol car making his call three minutes after the shots. Now you've got Callaway arriving at the scene at 1:17 (probably to keep alive the three minute claim) or 1:18, and you still have him at the patrol car to make his radio call at 1:19 or 1:20. So, are we to assume that Callaway took a coffee break [= sarcasm] between arriving at the scene and making his call?

What is even more incredible is that you now have Callaway arriving at the moment that Bowley must have been making his 46 seconds call. Yet - if your version is true - Callaway somehow must have missed that all together because if he had noticed it, he would have known a call had already been made (which he said he didn't), making his own call obsolete.

You're all over the place. What's wrong with you?

No. We've been over this before. Callaway never said that.

He said he last saw the man "going west on Jefferson Street". From Patton, where he was, he had plain sight of Jefferson as there was no obstruction. There was no reason for him to just stand there and wait until the man turned the corner and then run ("a good hard run") to the scene. It makes no sense and simply didn't happen. Why the desperation to stretch out the time Callaway needed after the shots to get to the crime scene. We are literally seconds here, for crying out loud.

You don't know what you're talking about, you only think you do.

Sam Guinyard, who was further up the block than was Callaway and had a much less view of Jefferson than did Callaway, waited until he saw the gunman turn west onto Jefferson.

"The last I saw of this man he was running west on Jefferson." - Sam Guinyard (11/22/63 affidavit).

Callaway watched Oswald turn the corner onto Jefferson and head west.  Then, once the killer was heading west on Jefferson, Callaway went up the street and  joined Guinyard and the two of them went up to the shooting scene.

Mr. GUINYARD. Mr. Callaway followed him, you see, we was together--he was my boss at that time and he followed him.
Mr. BALL. Callaway?
Mr. GUINYARD. Yes; trying to see which way was he going.
Mr. BALL. And then, which way did he go after he got to Jefferson?
Mr. GUINYARD. He went west on Jefferson--on the right-hand side---going west.
Mr. BALL. And what did Callaway do?
Mr. GUINYARD. He turned around and run back to the street and we helped load the policeman in the ambulance.
Mr. BALL. He ran back up to 10th Street, did you say?
Mr. BALL. Did you go with him?
Mr. GUINYARD. Right with him.

It doesn't matter what you believe "makes no sense".  Callaway was further south on Patton (closer to Jefferson) than was Guinyard when Oswald got to the corner of Patton and Jefferson.

In a dishonest fashion, you seem to want Callaway to be running north up Patton towards Tenth while he's apparently looking over his shoulder to watch Oswald flee the scene.

THAT is what makes no sense.  You really should get a clue about some of this stuff.

How about you point out to me where Callaway says he was already beginning to run north on Patton towards the shooting scene while still watching the gunman flee west on Jefferson.

Mr. BALL. What did he do when you hollered at him?
Mr. CALLAWAY. He slowed his pace, almost halted for a minute. And he said something to me, which I could not understand. And then kind of shrugged his shoulders, and kept on going.
Mr. BALL. Show the course he took on the map, if you will.
Mr. CALLAWAY. All right.
Right on down here, and he cut through this front yard.
Mr. BALL. And where was he when you last saw him?
Mr. CALLAWAY. Right here.
Mr. BALL. Right at that point?
Mr. BALL. Now, the first "X" marks the position of the parking lot--we will mark that 1. The place of the taxicab we will mark as 2. The place where the man was with the gun when you yelled at him, we will mark that as 3. The last place you saw the man, that we will mark 4.
Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. All right. Now--
Mr. DULLES. May I ask what course he was taking when you last saw him?
Mr. CALLAWAY. He was going west on Jefferson Street.
Mr. DULLES. West on Jefferson Street?
Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. What did you do?
Mr. CALLAWAY. I hollered to this guy behind--B. D. Searcy.
Mr. BALL. What did you say to Mr. Searcy?
Mr. CALLAWAY. I told him to keep an eye on that guy, I says, "Keep an eye on that guy, follow him. I am going to go down there and see what is going on." So I ran, a good hard run, from here down around the corner.
Mr. BALL. 10th and Patton?

But even if true, Oswald running down Patton one block and Callaway running the same block the opposite direction doesn't take more than three minutes, which is exactly period of time you said previously, when you had Callaway at the patrol car making his call three minutes after the shots. Now you've got Callaway arriving at the scene at 1:17 (probably to keep alive the three minute claim) or 1:18, and you still have him at the patrol car to make his radio call at 1:19 or 1:20. So, are we to assume that Callaway took a coffee break [= sarcasm] between arriving at the scene and making his call?

You are aware that Callaway helped load the body into the ambulance BEFORE making his call on the patrol car radio.  Right?  There's your "coffee break".

And you want to debate this stuff live?  Really?

You're all over the place. What's wrong with you?

Just trying to correct each of your errors.

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2104 on: May 11, 2021, 08:22:05 PM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2105 on: May 11, 2021, 08:23:39 PM »
True. She said she catched her regular bus at 1:15


She doesn't say that at all.

And your cite doesn't support that at all.

Why are CT's like you always the ones putting words into the mouths of witnesses (instead of LNers)?

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2106 on: May 11, 2021, 08:26:28 PM »
I don't claim as a fact that she was trying to catch the 1:22 bus.

I have never said that you claimed as a fact that she was trying to catch the 1:22 bus

But you said this (below) which is pretty much the same thing (unless you now try to retract your own words):

But you have the right to state automatically that she was catching the 1:22 bus, right?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2106 on: May 11, 2021, 08:26:28 PM »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2107 on: May 11, 2021, 08:28:08 PM »
True. She actually said that she left home at little after 1.

Mr. BALL. You left your home to go to work at some time, didn't you, that day?
Mrs. MARKHAM. At one.
Mr. BALL. One o'clock?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I believe it was a little after 1.

and that she was walking toward Jefferson at 1:06 / 1:07

Mr. BALL. So you were walking south toward Jefferson?
Mrs. MARKHAM. Yes, sir.
Mr. BALL. You think it was a little after 1?
Mrs. MARKHAM. I wouldn't be afraid to bet it wasn't 6 or 7 minutes after 1.

Which basically fits with her arriving at the corner of 10th street no later that 1:09, as the total walk (and she was already walking at 1:06 or 1:07) of one block would have taken her (according to the FBI) only 2,5 minutes.

Happy now.... cue for the usual "you were wrong" BS.

But thanks for correcting me and destroying your own theory in the process.

If you'd learn the basics, you wouldn't have to be corrected on things like this.  And I'll correct your errors whether the correction supports my position or not, in the interest of accuracy.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 08:31:06 PM by Bill Brown »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2108 on: May 11, 2021, 08:33:56 PM »
But even if true, Oswald running down Patton one block and Callaway running the same block the opposite direction doesn't take more than three minutes, which is exactly period of time you said previously, when you had Callaway at the patrol car making his call three minutes after the shots. Now you've got Callaway arriving at the scene at 1:17 (probably to keep alive the three minute claim) or 1:18, and you still have him at the patrol car to make his radio call at 1:19 or 1:20. So, are we to assume that Callaway took a coffee break [= sarcasm] between arriving at the scene and making his call?

You are aware that Callaway helped load the body into the ambulance BEFORE making his call on the patrol car radio.  Right?  There's your "coffee break".

And you want to debate this stuff live?  Really?

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2108 on: May 11, 2021, 08:33:56 PM »

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2109 on: May 11, 2021, 09:15:22 PM »
Unless you can quote me saying that Bowley "arrived at around 1:17", then you're misrepresenting my position, yes.  Why do you do this continually?

More evasion and back to playing silly games again. You must really be desperate to salvage the already sunken ship that you call a narrative.

How in the world can I misrepresent your position, when you keep on being extremely vague about what your position is and actually refuse to say, when asked, what your position is?

But, I'll play along....

Bowley did not arrive at around 1:17? Do tell....
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 11:06:14 PM by Martin Weidmann »

Offline Bill Brown

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2110 on: May 11, 2021, 09:25:58 PM »
More evasion and back to playing silly games again. You must really be desperate to salvage the already sunken ship that you call a narrative.

But, I'll play along....

Bowley did not arrive at around 1:17? Do tell....

So no quote of mine saying that Bowley arrived at 1:17?

Offline Martin Weidmann

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Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2111 on: May 11, 2021, 09:28:11 PM »

She doesn't say that at all.

And your cite doesn't support that at all.

Why are CT's like you always the ones putting words into the mouths of witnesses (instead of LNers)?

Episode 2 of a desperate rescue mission.... Hilarious

This is what Markham said in her testimony;

Mr. BALL. You know what time you usually get your bus, don't you?
Mrs. MARKHAM. 1:15.

Did she used the exact words; "catched her regular bus at 1:15". No she didn't, but what the hell do you think the above quote means?
« Last Edit: May 11, 2021, 10:31:36 PM by Martin Weidmann »

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: Lee Oswald The Cop Killer
« Reply #2111 on: May 11, 2021, 09:28:11 PM »