Why are you so aggressive and paranoid at the same time?
Because I'm sick and tired of your accusations of hypocrisy, dishonesty and bias.
And if I was paranoid about it then it wouldn't be in the written record of this forum, would it?
The really grating aspect of it is that you are clearly an unreasonably aggressive tinfoil tiara-wearing CT zealot pretending to be a open, reasonable person.
I agree that Oswald, walking, could get from the rooming house to the Tippit scene in 12 minutes but not in 10.
Where in my post does it mention Oswald walking the distance in 10 minutes?
What are you talking about?
What's wrong with you?
But you haven't answered my question. You have agreed that my timeline shows that Tippit was most probably shot around 1:09, which means that his killer must have been there at 1:08. So, if the killer was Oswald, how do you get him from the rooming house to 10th street in 8 minutes max.?
But I have answered this question.
It's in the post you're supposed to be replying to.
You've not even read the post you're criticising.
Really, what is wrong with you? It's written there for all to see (except you)
That's one hell of an assumption, but it happens to be one I agree with to the extent that Oswald must have been involved, because you can't frame a complete outsider. What Oswald exactly was involved in is another matter.
That Oswald was involved in the assassination of JFK is "one hell of an assumption"?
It's just something I plucked out of thin air?
Get a grip.
Hindsight and speculation! Whaley's testimony does not support that Oswald was "on the run".
Of course it's speculation. My whole post is speculation. It's opinions and assumptions.
I've made that perfectly clear in the post.
Why can't you understand something so simple.
Oswald asking to be dropped on 500 block and getting out on 700 block when he lives at 1026 is strange behaviour.
It can be explained by Oswald being on the run and wanting to check out whether the coast was clear outside his rooming house.
If you have a better piece of speculation let's hear it.
No. It might have been Roberts' impression that Oswald was in a hurry, but that doesn't mean he actually was. And the bus transfer ticket doesn't prove anything of the kind. Even if the transfer did in fact belong to Oswald, that still doesn't mean that he was on his way to a bus stop at Marsalis and Jefferson
You've not read the memo I posted have you.
Read it, then comment.
Now, you are only making things up and claiming it makes sense. In reality you have no idea whatsoever what route Oswald took, if he was indeed Tippit's killler. Markham may have seen him when he was walking east, but other witnesses saw him walking west first. The whole thing is pure 100% speculation.
Well done.
You're getting it.
It's 100% speculation.
Well done.
Markham testified to seeing him crossing Patton and walking east followed shortly by Tippit. If that is the case, and I'm not saying it's a fact, but if her testimony on this point is reliable then he came from North Crawford, as did Tippit.
Remember, it was you who brought Markham into it.
Who said that Oswald had to get to Marsalis and Jefferson by 1:15 PM?
I did.
Don't you get it.
I did as part of my speculating.
If you'd read the memo you'd understand where I'm getting that idea from.
But you've not.
With enough speculation you can get anybody to do anything, but I can just as easily speculate that Oswald left the rooming house and went straight to the Texas Theater, where Burrows saw him at 1:07 PM.
How would you explain Brewer's testimony. That he watched Oswald go into the Texas Theater.
You can't build a house on quicksand (i.e. speculations) and expect it will survive the first storm.