Michael T. Griffith on August 06, 2022, 02:01:52 PM -- Warren Reynolds did not see the shooting but saw the gunman running from the scene of the crime. He claimed that the man was not Oswald. After he survived an attempt to kill him, he changed his mind and identified Oswald as the man he had seen.
Reynolds had plenty of time to see Oswald on TV and in the news after Nov 22. Reynolds did not make a positive identification when interviewed by the FBI. That was on Jan 21 when he was shown photographs of Oswald.
Two days after that initial interview with the FBI, he was shot in the head in the basement of the auto dealership.
https://www.jfk-assassination.net/russ/testimony/reynolds_w.htm On July 22 that same year..Reynolds still only gave a half-hearted identification in his testimony.
Mr. LIEBELER. OK; let me put it this way: When is the first time that anybody from any law-enforcement agency,
and I mean by that, the FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police Department,
Dallas County sheriff's office; you pick it. When is the first time that they ever talked to you?
Mr.REYNOLDS. January 21.
Mr. LIEBELER. That is the first time they ever talked to you about what you saw on that day?
Mr.REYNOLDS. That's right.
Mr. LIEBELER. So you never in any way identified this man in the police department or any other authority, either in November or in December of 1963; is that correct?
Mr.REYNOLDS. No; I sure didn't.
Mr. LIEBELER. So it can be in no way said that you "fingered" the man who was running down the street, and
identified him as the man who was going around and putting the gun in his pocket?
Mr.REYNOLDS. It can be said I didn't talk to the authorities.
Mr. LIEBELER. Did you say anything about it to anybody else?
Mr. LIEBELER. Were you able to identify this man in your own mind?
Mr. LIEBELER. You did identify him as Lee Harvey Oswald in your own mind?
Mr. LIEBELER. You had no question about it? [he obviously did on Jan 21]
Mr. LIEBELER. Let me show you some pictures that we have here. I show you a picture that has been marked Garner Exhibit No. 1 and
ask you if that is the man that you saw going down the street on the 22d of November as you have already told us.
Mr. LIEBELER. You later identified that man as Lee Harvey Oswald?
Mr.REYNOLDS. In my mind.
Mr. LIEBELER. Your mind, that is what I mean.
Mr. LIEBELER. When you saw his picture in the newspaper and on television? Is that right?
Mr.REYNOLDS. Yes; unless you have somebody that looks an awful lot like him there.
Mr. LIEBELER. I show you an exhibit that has been marked Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-C and ask you if that is the same man, in your opinion?
Mr. LIEBELER. You were in no way, if I understand it correctly then, properly identified as anyone who had told the authorities
that this man that was going down the street was the same man as Lee Harvey Oswald, is that correct?
Mr.REYNOLDS. Well, yes and no...... [Avoiding that question]