There is ZERO evidence that Oswald pulled a gun on a cop in the Texas Theater.
And surprise, surprise, surprise; fibers identical to the shirt he was wearing when arrested in the TT were found in the jacket he ditched in the lot behind the Texaco station.
...and by "identical", Howard means "similar".
Yes. John Gibson, George Applin, and Johnny Brewer.
Acquilla Clemons was NOT a witness to the "slaying of Patrolman Tippit".
Benavides is in the opposite direction for the Davis girls, yet he says Oswald walked straight towards him? Did he then turn and go in the opposite direction? By the way, why do you call them girls? Were they minors?
Okay. So now all you have to do is show that these shells were stamped AUTO.You better check again. Odum showed the shells to Doughty and Dhority. Dhority positively identified the shell he received from Virginia Davis. Doughty positively identified the shell he received from Barbara Davis. Odum also showed the shells to Barnes. Barnes identified his marks on the other two shells. Poe probably never placed his marks on the shells in the first place.
How about the probability of being in the very building from which shots were fired at the President and then within an hour passing the scene of the Tippit shooting (the only DPD officer shot within a few years of that date),
sneaking into a movie theater without buying a ticket
pulling a gun on a police officer,
and lying about his ownership of a rifle.
And all this after being so unlucky as to make an unscheduled trip the night before to the location where he stored his rifle,
carrying a long package to work that morning (and lying about this)