completely wrong?...not sure what you're trying to prove here....and really don't give a crap
who said arrest?
A few pages before my original post someone (I think it was Matt) mentioned 7 officers wrote suspect in balcony
I searched and found what's the problem?....did they not write "suspect in balcony"?
What Matt wrote was:
"There is a hint of the second Oswald?s arrest in the Dallas police records.
According to the Dallas Police Department?s official Homicide Report on J.D. Tippit, ?Suspect was later arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater at 231 W. Jefferson.? 457
Dallas Police detective L.D. Springfellow also reported to Captain W. P. Gannaway, ?Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested in the balcony of the Texas Theater.? 458"
And the link is to a Bill Kelly post that quotes Douglas' claim --well, insinuation, really-- that a second person was arrested on the balcony, and taken out the back door.
That's where I jumped into the sub-thread and posted the Dallas city archives index of the reports of the officers who were at the Texas Theatre. All of those accounts say that only one person, Oswald, was arrested, and that he was arrested on the main floor, not the balcony. I pointed out that the it doesn't appear that the Homicide report nor the Stringfellow report were written by anyone who was at the theater during the arrest. That being so, I wouldn't put much stock in that particular claim in either.
You are right that some of the officers proceeded to the balcony first. The DPD channel 1 logs show that when the dispatcher advise. "We have information that a suspect just went in the Texas Theater on West Jefferson. Supposed to be hiding in the balcony," so that stands to reason they would go there first. Buhk never went into the theater; he stayed outside to man the radio in the squad car. His knowledge of what was going on in the Texas Theatre consisted solely of that one radio report. Carroll went to the balcony, and saw the commotion on the lower floor when Oswald was arrested, but his report didn't mention anyone being questioned on the balcony. So, neither Buhk nor Carrol said that anyone was arrested on the balcony nor did they say anyone was questioned up there.
Of the others, Walther, Toney, Cunningham, and Hill, Walther saw someone being questioned, but wasn't involved in it himself. From context, it's apparent that Cunningham and Toney questioned some guy to determine if he
could be the suspect, but were redirected by someone who is identified as either the "manager" or the "manager on duty"
For context, Taylor went to the balcony, but doesn't mention seeing anything going on up there. Same with Lyon. A number of other officers, all of whom entered from the rear of the theater went directly to the first floor. They were met by Jonnny Calvin Brewer, who pointed out Oswald then and there.
Since Julia Postal called the cops, she has to be the source for locating the suspect in the balcony. However, she didn't see him enter the theater, didn't see where he went once inside, nor did she go into the auditorium to determine his whereabouts. That job was assigned to Butch Burroughs, though Burroughs wasn't actually told to find a specific person. In fact, Postal and Brewer actually withheld the underlying reason for the assignment from Burroughs. However they figured he was in the balcony is bound to be indirect, convoluted, and not particularly compelling.
In short, there never was an arrest on the balcony. Nor was there a suspect, though there was one guy who seems to have been sitting in the wrong place at the wrong time, and was briefly the interest of a couple of police officers without actually getting to the point of being a suspect. I guess you could call him a "person of interest," as they tend to like to do nowadays.
The upshot of all of this is that there is no real evidence from the police reports that a second person was arrested at the TT and take outside the back door, as Douglas would have you believe.