That's right Bill.

Mr. BALL. Is there anything in your files which shows that the Railway Express did remit to you the $19.95?
Mr. MICHAELIS. The fact that the exhibit number--may I see this green one?
Mr. BALL. Five.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Was attached to the red copy of the invoice.
Mr. BALL. Red copy of the invoice being----
Mr. MICHAELIS. No; was attached to the red copy of the invoice, exhibit number----
Mr. BALL. Two.
Mr. MICHAELIS. Indicates that the money was received.
It seems all we have to confirm that the money was received from the person who collected the package and was subsequently transferred to Seaport Trading is Michaelis saying so?. No receipt, no proof of transfer, no deposit in a bankaccount..... Wow!
So, how did Michaelis know the money was received? Did he check the company's records? It seems he didn't, because his own testimony shows that he concludes the money was received based exclusively on two documents being attached to eachother.....
And that is somehow supposed to be conclusive?