What is there to disrespect. You brought it up;
If you are so touchy about your parents you shouldn't have brought them up.

Hey Crapman, Let's talk about the discovery of the carcano....
Bill Crapman wrote:....
Feel free to point out where any CT has ever identifified even a single piece of evidence as valid.Here's just one piece of evidence that cannot be disputed as genuine....The Map of the sixth fllor that was drawn by Detective Robert Studebaker... Studebaker measured the distance from the N. wall to the spot where the carcano was discovered laying on the floor beneath a wooden pallet that had boxes of books stacked on it. Studebaker's tape measure indicated the spot was 5 feet from the window in the east wall and 15 feet 4 inches from the North wall.
The rifle was 8 feet south of the top of the stairs.... Not three feet. This one FACT destroys the imaginary theory concocted by the DPD and the FBI.