All he needs to do is say - as Benavides did - that he was not sure if he could identify the shooter.
And that's acceptable?.... The cops would reply...That's OK, we want you take a look anyway, after all that is the whole idea of having a line up. Those cops did NOT want Benavides to view a line up, after he told them that the guy that he's seen on the TV didn't look like the guy he saw shoot the officer.
And that's acceptable?...Sure it is. What's the point in wasting time with a witness who is not sure if he can identify the killer?
The cops would reply...That's OK, we want you take a look anyway, after all that is the whole idea of having a line up.Actually, the idea of having a line up is finding out if witnesses who think they can identify the killer can actually do so!
Those cops did NOT want Benavides to view a line up, after he told them that the guy that he's seen on the TV didn't look like the guy he saw shoot the officer. It's difficult to argue with an opinion, so I won't, Walt. It's that's what you believe, so be it.
Btw, where did you get the information that "Mrs Markham sure as hell didn't want to participate" in a line up?