my problems with CE 399:
1. No experiment so far which shoots MC 6.5 ball FMJ bullet thru 2 bodies, then exits spinning and enters a wrist backwards, goes thru, and looks like CE 399 when recovered.
2. No experiment involving shooting an MC 6.5 ball FMJ bullet through 2 bodies has demonstrated the straight line trajectory of the SBT proposed by Myers computer animation.
2b. Nor has any shooting experiment demonstated the bullet trajectory zig zagging as an alternative explanation for all the wounds.
3. The finding of CE 399, and the subsequent chain of custody is in doubt, given the revelation that FBI agent Odum denied having made report that O.P.Wright had positively identified CE 399 as the bullet he found on stretcher. O.P Wright thought the bullet appeared to be more pointed, as opposed to ball shaped.
4. No blood splatter on Governor Connallys white hat, which was in proximity to bullet exit point in his chest and close to his wrist, since he still had it gripped in hand after the fact.
5. The convoluted position necessary to explain how Gov Connally could be holding hat upside down and no part of hat be in the bullet trajectory path is problematic and the Z film position at Z 223 does not appear to support a right arm crossed over far enough to be holding hat upside down on the outer left side of JCs left thigh as in this diagram:

Agreed! We can never know if all the injuries were caused by 1 bullet as unlikely as that was. So if the bullet passed thru JFK and exited tumbling into Connally, then why did the bullet start tumbling after exiting cleanly thru a small hole, which was later obliterated by post-mortem surgery? Is that even possible?
Re the graphic that pretends to bust a myth and given the 7 wounds, this should be followed up with a laser exp to position JFK and Connally in the needed positions to make the MB work. Simple graphics don't cut it, especially when you can do a simple re-enactment.

Position JFK and Connally between the 2 lasers so that all the wounds line up, then find the Z-frame that matches their body positions (unless they are out of view behind the Stemmons sign). Connally said he had turned a hard right to look back at JFK when he was struck.