The one fragment of 6 which must be the Tague curb strike, is one hell of a trajectory zig zag imo The experiemt with the plastic dummy head shows fragment DOES hit Greer seat if continued on same downward trajectory from exiting front right temple of JFK.
3 fragments come to rest under Mrs Conally seat and 2 other fragments are found in the front part of limo. NONE went thru the front seat. ALL must have flown OVER the front seat. Then 3 of them hit the inner windshield and the other 2 hit the windshield frame?
How do the fragments that hit a windshield angled approx 45 degree on the inside, deflect 180 degree approx backward and yet dont hit Greer, dont go thru ANY PART of his seat?
How could those 3 fragments have gone AROUND Greer? They would had to have deflected leftward from striking the inner surface of the windsheild, then deflected off what, the front door panel?
The other 2 fragments that were found in the front part of the limo, (not sure exactly if they were on the front seat or the front floorboard), but nevertheless, how did they get there without going thru front seat or striking the right side of inner windsheidl or the front dashboard?
It does not seem to me very probable that those 2 fragment could have BOTH hit the same windsheidl frame,causing that dent, but even is so, HOW do they not bounce back to the back seat too, like the other 3 fragments that presumably struck the inner windsheild in front of Greer?