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Author Topic: The Limo Bullet Fragments....  (Read 28648 times)

Offline John Iacoletti

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2018, 09:42:18 PM »
In this case C2766, which was ordered,

According to unscientific handwriting "analysis" of two block letters on a photograph of a microfilm copy of a 2 inch order coupon.

paid for

According to unscientific handwriting "analysis" of a money order found in Virginia that shows no link whatsoever to any specific Klein's order.

and possessed by Saint Oz.

You got nothing there.

Of course it's possible that the fragments weren't 'involved in the assassination' but only if you believe that fragments from a bullet fired by Saint Oz's C2766 were somehow in the limo prior to the assassination or planted there afterwards.

Only if you believe that the "limo fragments" were ever in the limo.  Too bad there is no documented chain of custody.

It's also possible that the rifle Marina photographed Saint Oz posing with and the rifle she saw blanketed in the garage wasn't C2766.

Of course, something being possible doesn't mean it's likely or even a reasonable consideration.

You can either prove it is or you cannot.

The fragments are very conclusive proof.

Of what exactly?



JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2018, 09:42:18 PM »

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #25 on: May 16, 2018, 12:17:59 AM »

There must been a FOURTH fragment to have hit curb near Tague. Where is that fragment?

Has there been an experiment that shows a MC 6.5 FMJ bullet will fragment into 4 aprox same size fragments after striking only a very small round portion of human skull on a tangent line.

To explain the radial fragmentation along the right front side as per the JFK lateral X ray, would reguire a fragment to have defleted inward, traverseing the right side of the brain, then exit at where the "V" notch is seen in the JFK autopsy photo.

If that is the case, then that fragment would have been on a tragectory line that should have hit the back side of Greer's seat and thus there should have been a hole in the back of his seat.

Offline Zeon Mason

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2018, 01:30:23 AM »

More consistent with X rays and Autopsy photos is a the trajectory line from the corner SW 6th story window than from the SE window, agree?

Because JFKs head is turned about 45 degrees leftward and he is leaning leftward at time of Z313 head shot.

Therefore, a SW 6th story trajectory line matches closer to JFK X rays and Autopsy photo because:

The bullet would be in line to traverse longintudinallly across right side of the skull and have a reasonable probablity of having caused those radial fragmentation lines that converge to the FRONT right half of skull, which where the "V" notch is in the JFK autopsy photo. ("V" shaped wound above right eye)

The HSCA diagram cannot be correct for exit of the bullet because the fact that JFK skull is turned approx 45 degree leftward relative to the SE shot trajectory, thus any entry point that is right of this centerline and near top of skull, the bullet would, if continuing along same tragectory line, exited almost right above the right ear, thus not at a point above right eye socket, and thus no radial fragmentation lines likely caused at all.

The only possible explanation(if that entry point is high on the skull) to explain lateral fragmentation lines on the front half of right side skull, is that  one of the bullet fragments deflected inwardly and traversed thru the right side of the brain, exiting at the "v" notch above the right eye socket:

However, if that were true, then why no holes in the back seat of Greers seat or any part of back side of the front seat?

 just how many fragments are there anyway, because Ive was looking thru the WC exhibits again and I find CE 567 and CE 569  are listed as having been found in the FRONT of the Presidential limosine?

That would mean if 3 fragments are under Ms Connallys seat and 1 fragment caused the curb damage near Tague, and then CE 567 and CE 569 are 2 MORE fragments, found in front part of limo, so a total of 6 fragments???

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2018, 01:30:23 AM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #27 on: May 19, 2018, 09:45:06 PM »


There must been a FOURTH fragment to have hit curb near Tague. Where is that fragment?

Actually, the smear on the curb was probably not caused by a bullet but by a tire lead weight. It is too unlikely that a bullet would just happen to strike precisely on the corner of the curb. Not off by even a centimeter.

What happened to the fragment that nicked Mr. Tague?s cheek? It flew on and was never found. It would be unlikely to have been found. It was pretty small. Dealey Plaza, while small for a shooting range, is quite big enough to make it difficult to find such a fragment.

Has there been an experiment that shows a MC 6.5 FMJ bullet will fragment into 4 aprox same size fragments after striking only a very small round portion of human skull on a tangent line.

On a living head? No. But ballistic tests do show a WCC/MC bullet will fragment upon strike a skull at near muzzle velocity.


Can you find a single ballistic expert who says otherwise?

Have you ever read a book by a ballistic expert?

To explain the radial fragmentation along the right front side as per the JFK lateral X ray, would reguire a fragment to have defleted inward, traverseing the right side of the brain, then exit at where the "V" notch is seen in the JFK autopsy photo.

If that is the case, then that fragment would have been on a tragectory line that should have hit the back side of Greer's seat and thus there should have been a hole in the back of his seat.

This is assuming a bullet that fragments would continue on a straight line. Real ballistic experts, like Larry SPersonivan, say that bullet fragments do not maintain a straight line and this has been demonstrated in photographs of bullet fragment paths through ballistic gel.


Can you find a single ballistic expert who says that bullet fragments continue through a human body in a straight line?

Until you find a ballistic expert who says this, extrapolating where a bullet or a fragment should end up is a waste of time. [/b]

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2018, 02:01:43 PM »
Patently absurd.  A fragment tells you nothing about who fired it.

Yes, I know, because Frazier lined up the markings in his mind when they wouldn't line up under the microscope.  But great.  Now all you have to do is show that bullet found on an unrelated stretcher at Parkland Hospital and the two fragments allegedly recovered from the limousine were actually involved in the assassination.

Says the guy who can't even demonstrate that this rifle was ever in the garage.

A fragment tells you nothing about who fired it.

Unless the bullet was made from some really unusual and exotic metal ..... It's nearly impossible to identify ANY manufacturing characteristic or caliber of bullet fragment...... And impossible to identify the gun that fired the tiny fragment of a bullet.

In a telephone conversation with LBJ on 11/23/63 J.Edgar Hoover told LBJ..."We have what we call slivers, which are not very valuable in the identification."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #28 on: May 20, 2018, 02:01:43 PM »

Offline Joe Elliott

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2018, 01:42:17 AM »

A fragment tells you nothing about who fired it.

False. Ballistic experts Robert Frazier and Joseph Nicol both studied the two fragments recovered from the limousine, CE-567 and CE-569, and concluded that based on the marks on them, both were fired from the rifle found on the sixth floor. Both fragments had enough marks on them to link them to this rifle to the exclusion of all other rifles in the world.

Some fragments are indeed to small to match to a rifle. But that is not true of all fragments.


What ballistic expert has stated that fragments can never be linked to a particular rifle based on the marks on them.

Unless the bullet was made from some really unusual and exotic metal ..... It's nearly impossible to identify ANY manufacturing characteristic or caliber of bullet fragment...... And impossible to identify the gun that fired the tiny fragment of a bullet.

Couldn?t any rifle of the proper type fire a bullet with a certain exotic metal composition? I assume you mean a mostly intact bullet was recovered, and a fragment was also recovered and the question came up ?Did the fragment come from that bullet?. I doubt any ballistic expert would say it did, to the exclusion of all other bullets in the world.

Online Jack Trojan

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #30 on: May 21, 2018, 06:05:19 AM »
False. Ballistic experts Robert Frazier and Joseph Nicol both studied the two fragments recovered from the limousine, CE-567 and CE-569, and concluded that based on the marks on them, both were fired from the rifle found on the sixth floor. Both fragments had enough marks on them to link them to this rifle to the exclusion of all other rifles in the world.



What ballistic expert has stated that fragments can never be linked to a particular rifle based on the marks on them.

None, because it's BS.

Couldn?t any rifle of the proper type fire a bullet with a certain exotic metal composition? I assume you mean a mostly intact bullet was recovered, and a fragment was also recovered and the question came up ?Did the fragment come from that bullet?. I doubt any ballistic expert would say it did, to the exclusion of all other bullets in the world.

Correct, no ballistic expert would/could.

Offline Walt Cakebread

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Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2018, 12:54:00 PM »
False. Ballistic experts Robert Frazier and Joseph Nicol both studied the two fragments recovered from the limousine, CE-567 and CE-569, and concluded that based on the marks on them, both were fired from the rifle found on the sixth floor. Both fragments had enough marks on them to link them to this rifle to the exclusion of all other rifles in the world.

Some fragments are indeed to small to match to a rifle. But that is not true of all fragments.


What ballistic expert has stated that fragments can never be linked to a particular rifle based on the marks on them.

Couldn?t any rifle of the proper type fire a bullet with a certain exotic metal composition? I assume you mean a mostly intact bullet was recovered, and a fragment was also recovered and the question came up ?Did the fragment come from that bullet?. I doubt any ballistic expert would say it did, to the exclusion of all other bullets in the world.

Ballistic experts Robert Frazier and Joseph Nicol both studied the two fragments recovered from the limousine, CE-567 and CE-569, and concluded that based on the marks on them, both were fired from the rifle found on the sixth floor.

This is utter nonsense!!.....and only a gullible, ignoramus would believe it.

In a telephone conversation with LBJ on 11/23/63 J.Edgar Hoover told LBJ..."We have what we call slivers, which are not very valuable in the identification."

JFK Assassination Forum

Re: The Limo Bullet Fragments....
« Reply #31 on: May 21, 2018, 12:54:00 PM »