I look at claims that China’s is an example of a Socialist country with a good economy as analogous to the following fable.
Initially there are men who claim we can fly like birds. If you run fast enough and flap your arms hard enough, a human can fly like a https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,2006.0.html These believers were called “Flappers”. But they never got anywhere.
Then, people developed airplanes with fixed wings and propellers and people truly started to fly.
The flappers responded by putting two men in an airplane, the pilot in the front and the “Flapper” sitting behind him, vigorously flapping his arms. And they did fly successfully, And the people who supported the “Flapper” theory pointing out these flights as “proving” that “Flapping” can allow people to fly through the air, just as they claimed all along.
Again, there are no purely socialist or capitalist countries.
China’s leaders identify as Marxist-Leninist but they’re pragmatic also and have permitted some Capitalism where it is practical.
America’s leaders identify as Capitalists but are pragmatic and allow some socialism, social welfare, and regulation of the business sector.
If China’s compromises prove pure Socialism doesn’t work than America’s compromises prove pure Capitalism doesn’t work.
Lastly, Oswald made his choice clear through his actions. He chose to return to the US after living in the USSR because he wasn’t a true believer in Communism. Some Americans, myself included, agree with many of the ideas of Marx with regard to his criticisms of Capitalism, but wouldn’t want to live in an authoritarian Communist country.